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Sorry to those you saw me post then take it down twice. I keep publishing my part after fixing my many typos but when I publish it they go back to being wrong. I have no idea why this is happening but I hope you enjoy the story anyway. So if you see any typos I had probably fixed it but then it unfixed itself. So just be warned.

College was the time for experimentation. That was exactly I planned to do. I even knew the perfect target.


I watched him move from the door up to his seat in the back corner. Every day he had the same schedule. He went down to the coffee shop around the corner from his apartment every day at 7am. He ordered the same drink, a black coffee. Then he headed to class at eight bringing us to the present. I may be slightly stalkerish, but hey he's cute.

The teacher began his lecture, and the cutie started taking notes as fast as the teacher spoke. I only occasionally jotted down a few words here and there. As soon as the teacher ended his lesson my cutie began packing up as he got ready to hurry to his next class. It was always odd to see him pack up so quickly since his class wasn't for almost another hour.

I grabbed my stuff rushing after him. Today I was planning on talking to him. After three months of watching him, I would finally make my move. And I am not a stalker.

He sat on a bench under the oak tree placed in the center of the courtyard. I sauntered over to him taking a seat. I leaned over to see what he was reading. Before I could see what it was he slammed it shut.

"Do you need some-"he started of angrily before turning to look at my, immediately freezing. I flashed him the flirtiest smile I could manage. His cheeks tinged pink and I hadn't even said anything yet.

"Hi."he gulped."What's your name?"

"Yuri."he said shakily.

"What a gorgeous name. It fits you perfectly. I'm Victor."

"Have I seen you somewhere before."

"Probably. I live above you and we have virtually ever class together."he looked at me sheepishly.

"I guess you're right. Uh, can I help you."


"How?"I lifted his chin, bringing his face closer to mine.

"Go on a date with me."he shook his head.

"No."I brought his face closer to mine. I was sure he could feel my breath on his lips. His cheeks darkened even more.

"I'll give you some time to think about it. I'll  be waiting, my little piggy."I left leaving him in a state of shock and confusion.


At class the next day I sat in the seat next to his. The shocked look his face when he walked in the classroom was priceless. He cautiously lowered himself into his seat. The teacher started his lecture and I made my move.

I lifted my hand setting it on his knee. I felt his body go tense at my touch and he bit his lip struggling to concentrate. I moved my hand up slightly causing him to breathe in sharply. I traced circles on his thighs before leaning close to his ears, all the while he struggled to keep taking notes.

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