Night Out

940 19 10

Only partially edited, but I'm sure you could have guessed that by now.

Yuuri's POV:

"Do we have to go out," I whine. I normally preferred to stay in on a Friday night. I would either just hang out or go skating. "Can't we just head to the rink instead." Phichit shakes his head.

"Nope, I need to ship you with someone. It's practically killing me that there's no one around to ship you with. So stop whining and get dressed already. I sigh heavily but manage to drag my feet into the bathroom and start getting ready for tonight.


We arrive at the club and Phichit grabs my hand so he can drag me into the building. People were everywhere, music was playing, and there was even a guy on one of the tables dancing. Hey, wait a minute.

"Is that Chris Giacometti?"I point towards the guy on the table. Phichit looks over and nods.

"Yea, I think so."

"What's he doing in America?" Phichit shrugs.

"I don't know. I heard he was taking a week or so off from training, but other than that who knows." Phichit grabs my hand again and drags me to the bar. He orders drinks for both of us and I don't ask what he ordered. As soon as he hands me my drink I start drinking it. I'd need it to get through this night.

After downing the first drink Phichit orders us both another. We stand around talking for a few minutes while we finish up our second drink. I fell the alcohol starting to take effect and I think Phichit does too.

"Remember that time you got so drunk and started pole dancing."Phichit laughs at the memory as he speaks. He had a very slight slur to his words but it wasn't very noticeable. I could tell her wasn't fully drunk but those drunk were pretty strong. I wonder what they were?

"What?"I ask confused. I had no idea what he was talking about. Did he say pole dancing? Phichit just brushes off my question.

"Nevermind. Let's go dance." he pulls me out onto the dance floor, leaving our empty glasses behind on the bar. By now I really didn't have a care in the world.

We were surrounded by other people dancing who were probably as drunk, if not drunker than we were. Phichit and I had been dancing for who knows how long when a guy with white hair starts dancing next to me.

"Hi!" he shouts over the music. If I wasn't drunk my reply probably wouldn't have been as smooth as it was.

"Hi!" I shout back. He looks really familiar but my mind was too fuzzy from the alcohol to put a name to his face. "Sorry, do I know you?"

"Probably, and I'd like you to get to know me more so..." he hands me a slip of paper, "call me sometime. We should hang out before I head back to Russia in a week." I nod and place the paper in my pocket.

"You're from Russia?" he nods. "Why'd you decide to come and visit America."

"I didn't. My friend Chris decided to take a vacation here and asked me to come along. I needed a break from training so I decided to go with him." I nod. I wonder what he did.

"Training? What were you training for?" he opens his mouth to answer but his phone cuts him off. He pulls it from his pocket and answers it.

"Hello," he shouts over the music. "Yea I'm still here." he pauses for a second listening to what the other guy has to say. "Ok, you're drunk. We're going back to the hotel. Where are you?" he pauses again as the other guy says something. After a few seconds, e looks in the direction of the guy on the table who we were pretty sure was Chris. "Ok, I see you." pause "bye," he hangs up the phone and looks at me. "Sorry I gotta go deal with my friend. Don't forget to call me." I nod.

"I will." he walks off towards Chris. Wait, was that his friend. Was he friends with Chris Giacometti? That would make sense as to why he was so familiar, but why couldn't I remember his name. Ugh, curse this fuzzy brain. 

I turn back towards Phichit after the guy disappears into the crowd. He has a look on his face that I can't quite make out. But he suddenly didn't seem as drunk as I was.

"Do you know him?" I ask, shouting slightly over the music. Phichit nods. "Do I know him?" Phichit gives me that weird look again and laughs. "What's so funny?" he laughs for a few more seconds before answering me. He almost looks giddy. Seriously, who was that guy? 

"Don't worry I'll tell you about it later when you're sober. For now, let's drink some more." we walk back over the bar and he orders us some more drinks. I try asking him a few more times about who that guy was but he refused to say anything other than he'll tell me when I'm sober. Once we down our third drink Phichit grabs me by the arm again. What was with him dragging me all over the place tonight? "Let's dance!" he yells over the music. Now he was defiantly drunk. 

While we were dancing I swear I hear him talking to himself. I try to listen to see what I can make out over the music but I can't understand much of it. The music was just too loud. Even though the music was loud, I swear I hear him say something about making ships sail. Did he own a boat that I didn't know about? I shrug it off, it wasn't important. 

I push all my questions aside for right now and just listen to the music. I don't have a care in the world as Phichit and I dance the night away. One more thought comes to mind: I was gonna have one massive hangover in the morning.

Yes! Four updates in one day! I think that's a new record for me. Hope you liked it. When I first typed it up it was only gonna be like 600 words. But I decided you guys deserved better and since I took such a long break from updating I made this one closer to 1000 words. 

Since it's late I'll make this quick.



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