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"Come on. Pick up, pick up..."

"What?" A flat, slightly hostile voice answered.

"Chris! Oh, thank God! I need your help."

"In literally ten minutes, you are going to be doing a pair skate with the love of your life in front of hundreds of people. And you'll be on worldwide television. What could possibly be wrong?"

Oh haha. But seriously, I don't think I have ever been more nervous for a performance."

"Ok, where is Yuuri?"

"Outside talking to his mother."

"And where are you?"

"In the changing room about to break down while talking to my not-so-helpful best friend."

"Viktor, I'm sorry but I don't know if I can help you with this. Are you nervous because of how many people are here?"


"Are you scared you might make a mistake?"


"Are you scared Yuuri might make a mistake?"

"Excuse you. He's an angel, everything he does is perfect."

"Fair enough. So what's up?"

"I don't know."

"You need to talk to Yuuri about this because I'm pretty sure this has something to do with him."

"Yeah, you're right."

"And remember if things go south we always have our backup plan."

"Even though we are talking over the phone, I can sense you winking."

Viktor's POV:

I let out a long drawn out sigh then hang up. Not two seconds later Yuuri walks through the door. For some reason, he didn't look that nervous. I mean he was still slightly shaking, but not nearly as bad as I would have imagined.

"Are you nervous?" I asked, congratulating myself for controlling the shakiness of my voice.

"Actually no, I'm not." He paused but when I didn't respond he continued, "my whole life, skating has been the easiest way for me to communicate. And this is no different. I'm not worried about getting the most amount of points possible or impressing anybody. All we have to do is go out there and express our emotions," he pauses to take my hands in his,"because that is what we are good at." He ends with one of his beautiful smiles. My god, once again Yuuri Katsuki has managed to take my breath away. Not even trying to use words at this point I gave him a small, but obviously grateful and loving smile. Apparently, that was all he needed because then he lets go of one of my hands but keeps the other in his grasp. He turns and heads towards the door, bringing me with him. He's right, all I have to do is go out on that rink and show everyone just how much I love Yuuri Katsuki.

This double update is thanks to -drumroll please- kkasey777. She is a really good friend of mine and wrote this one shot because I asked her to so that I could post more updates for you guys.

She also wrote, "His Toy" and "Don't Leave Me" for me. So I want to say thank you to her. She is also the reason I updated so frequently in the beginning.

Anyways, let me know if you want more writing from her. I know I do. That would also mean you guys get more updates.

Let me know about any new requests you want to be written.

Stay weird


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