Time For Family (Part One)

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Barely edited so if there are any mistakes feel free to correct me, it doesn't bug me and is actually helpful.

Yuuri opens his eyes and is greeted by a gorgeous sight: Viktor. They had fallen asleep tangled in each other's arms. If Phichit had walked in he would have probably started to fangirl on the spot. Even though they Yuuri and Viktor were together Phichit still called himself the captain of their ship at least once every time they met up.

Yuuri started his daily struggle of untangling himself from Viktor's limbs. He was trying to not wake his husband up, but luck wasn't on his side for today. Viktor's eyes slowly open and a smile spreads across his face when he spots Yuuri. Yuuri continues to try and untangle himself but Viktor just pulls him tighter against him. He leans down so his mouth is right next to Yuuri's ear.

"Where do you think you're going?" he whispers.

"To go make breakfast," Yuuri replies. Viktor nods but his grip doesn't loosen.

"Aren't you forgetting something?"Was he? No... "Don't I get a good morning kiss?"Yuuri laughs slightly.

"Of course, how could I possibly forget."Yuuri turns his head and places a quick kiss on his lips. Viktor smiles.

"Now let's get ready for the day!" the mood changes from a romantic one to an energetic one as Viktor jumps off the bed and runs into their walk-in closet. It sounds like a tornado hit their closet as very violent sounds resonate from the closet. What was he doing, fighting the clothes?

After a few minutes, Viktor emerges looking fabulous as ever, the closet not so much. It seriously did look like a tornado hit their house. Yuuri just stares at him in astonishment.

"H-how?"Yuuri asks. He went into the closet for like two minutes. It's not like there was a team of stylists waiting for him. Or was there? He wouldn't put it past Viktor. Viktor flips is hair and smirks.

"I'm just that fabulous," he then strikes a pose making Yuuri laugh. Viktor smiles, "now go get dressed. I'll go start breakfast."


"Are you ready?" Viktor asks as he looks over at Yuuri. Yuuri nods in return.

"As long as you're with me I'm ready for anything." the couple stares into each other's eyes, just relishing in the moment. After a minute Yuuri takes a deep breath,"Ok, let's go."

The two hold hands as they make their way to the building that loomed over their heads. The sound of children laughing and playing made it's way to their ears and they smiled.

They turn to look at each other one more time, and Yuuri takes another deep breath. They smile at each other for a few seconds before pushing open the door and stepping into the orphanage.

Yuuri took in the sight in front of him and spent a few seconds just looking around. A few teens were hanging out in what looked like the living room. They were having an animated discussion about something and didn't even notice them walk in.

Yuuri could see a sliding glass door at the back of the building and he could see a few kids playing hide and seek through it. The sound of feet running above them could be heard and a few seconds later a little boy came into view running down the stairs. As soon as he sees Yuuri and Viktor he stops and tilts his head to the side looking confused.

Another second later and a little girl peeks her head around the corner from the top of the stairs but makes no moves to go any further. The boy, however, runs down the stairs and skids to a stop directly in front of them. He looks up at with a smile lighting up his face.

"Hi!" he says energetically. His black hair falls into his eyes as he speaks.

"HI!" Viktor replies back with the same level of energy.

"I'm Jack," he seems to be bouncing with energy as he talks and Yuuri can't help but think how adorable it is.

"I'm Viktor," Viktor replies then points to Yuuri" and that's Yuuri." Jack turns to look at Yuuri and smiles happily before turning his attention back to Viktor.

"I like your hair! Can I touch it?" he pouts and looks up at Viktor with puppy dog eyes. Viktor turns towards Yuuri and mouths he's so cute, before nodding at Jack.

"Sure," Jack's face lights up as he hears this and he jumps onto Viktor. Viktor catches him with ease and holds him while Jack immediately begins to play with his hair. Viktor looks at Yuuri with a pleading expression and Yuuri knew exactly what he meant. He wanted to adopt Jack. Yuuri nods, he had already been thinking that Jack was the one.

"Jack, how would you like it if we adopted you?" Yuuri asks. Jack stops playing with Viktor's hair for a moment and turns towards Yuuri with a huge smile on his face. He started bouncing up and down in Viktor's arms with excitement.

"Really?!" he asks this time looking at Viktor who nods. "Yay! Thank you!" Jack suddenly stops bouncing and a sad expression crosses his face. causing Viktor to frown.

"Jack, what's wrong?" he asks.

"I can't leave my sister."

"You have a sister?"Yuuri asks and Jack nods. "Why don't you go get her so we can meet her." Jack jumps out of Viktor's arms and starts sprinting up the stairs. While they wait for him to return Yuuri turns to Viktor.

"He so adorable."Viktor nods. "We should adopt him and his sister."Viktor smiles.

"Think we can handle it?" he teases.

"Like I said, we can do anything together." they both just stare at each and smile until the sound of feet running causes them to turn towards the stairs. Jack runs down the stairs and little girl trails slightly behind him. When she catches up with Jack she grabs his hand and partially hides behind him.

"This is my sister Vera,"Jack introduces with a proud look on his face.

"Hi Vera, I'm Yuuri and this is Viktor. We want to adopt you and your brother. Would you like that?" at the mention of being adopted her face lit up and she nodded excitedly. Yuuri smiles.

"Ok, then it's settled. Now let's go fill out that paperwork.

Request by @GakkoAto

Part two should be up tomorrow, but I still have to write it so it might be another late update.

Any other requests either comment here or message me, I'm still working on a few requests so my goal is to have at least 2-3 more updates before Monday.

Also sorry if there were a lot of mistakes it's already after midnight and I just wanted to post this as quick as possible.

In the meantime be true to your fangirl/boy selfs


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