Don't Leave Me

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I want to make this clear before the story starts. THIS ONE WAS NOT WRITTEN BY ME. This one was written by my good friend kkasey777. Enjoy.

"Yuuri, I have something to tell you..."Viktor began. "I'm leaving Japan and going back to Russia so I can finish my career as an ice skater."

"What! Why?"I was shaking and couldn't think straight. I think I' might be crying but I can't tell.

"Bye, bye Yuuri," and with that, he was gone.

"Viktor!"I shot straight up in bed. Tears were streaming down my face. Looking around I realized I was in my room, in the dark, crying at 3am. "It was a dream..."my shaking voice trailed off.

I laid down at tried to force myself to fall back asleep, but it was useless. Terrified. I was terrified I would  dream about Viktor leaving again. I sat on my bed for what felt like forever, but when I looked at the clock only thirty minutes had gone by. I suddenly had a thought.

"Maybe if I see him with my own eyes I could relax enough to fall back asleep."shuffling out of bed, I quietly slid my door open and stepped out into the hallway. Viktor's room was in sight. Suddenly, I realized what I was doing and a slight blush swept across my face but I kept walking.

When I finally reached the door I opened it as slow as humanly possible. Even though it was pitch black I knew my way around his room perfectly. Three steps, the go around his coat on the floor. Another four, the step-down. Stop, take one step to the left to go around an empty box.

Finally, I made it to the side of his bed. I stared at him, he looked so peaceful and majestic. I took a small step and started to lean down. Suddenly, my foot got caught on one of his slippers and I tripped, landing right on top of him.

"Shitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshit!"that came out louder than I meant it too. Viktor slowly turned on his back and slid up so he was now staring at me. I was still laying across his legs. It took me a few seconds to realize what position I was in. I couldn't quite see his expression, but I could defiantly tell that I was blushing. I scrambled off of him and stood next to his bed with my head hung down.


"U-um, yes?"

"Why were you in my room at 4am?"

" just wanted to make sure you didn't go back to Russia and leave me."

Viktor's POV:

After Yuuri's little rant I couldn't help but smile.

"I-I'm sorry."Yuuri sad sadly as he turned and began to leave.

"You have a weird way of saying I love you."his footsteps stopped as soon as I spoke. "But it's ok because I love you too."

"I had a dream where you left me to go back to Russia. I woke up crying and I couldn't go back to sleep until I knew you were still here." it took all my strength to stop myself from hugging him as hard as I could. That would probably shock him too much, though.

Yuuri's POV:

It was so awkward. He just told me he loved me, and I think I just told him I loved him. All I wanted was for me to wrap his arms around me and tell me he loved me again and again.

Viktor's POV:

I heard his footsteps again. Is he leaving? I wondered as I saw a shadow at the end of my bed. My blanket started moving and the other half of my bed squished down.  Still staring in the dark at the spot I thought Yuuri was I felt a warm soft hand touch my arm, and slide down to my hand. Once Yuuri reached my hand he tightened his grip but was somehow still gentle.

Yuuri's POV:

I was so tired. I wasn't really thinking, all I knew was I wanted Viktor to stay with me forever.

"I'm just going to...sleep...a little."

Viktor's POV:

He was so cute. I laid back down making sure not to move the hand that Yuuri was still holding on to. I closed my eyes and fell into the best sleep of my life.

This story was created by one of my best friends, kkasey777. I have one more short thing to post by her tonight and if you want to see more of her work on here let me know. Just comment on this story or the next part by her.

Always stay addicted to anime


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