My Little Waiter

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I wasn't sure why I went into the diner that day. I was on my way to work when I caught sight of the diner. It wasn't the first time I had seen the diner. I had passed it every day. But something that day brought me into that diner. And to this day I have no idea what that was.

I sat by myself, alone at a table as far in the corner as I could get. He stood serving drinks to a table of guys with a certain finesse which I'm sure helped him in other departments. He wasn't exactly skinny a little pudgy but it was cute. He, as a whole, was adorable. Adorably, sexy.

I watched him look up from what he was doing. He gazed across the diner, his eyes landing on my table. I knew he had caught me staring, the blush on his face was the proof I needed. I smirked as he looked down and turned to another customer.

I flagged him down as he finished with his current customer. He looked towards me, striding across the room, stopping at my table.

"What can I get you?"

"Whatever food's your favorite."his cheeks turned a dark shade of pink before heading into the kitchen. Ten minutes later he came back to my table, setting down what looked to be some sort of pork dish. "Thanks, babe."he walked off speechless and ducked back into the kitchen.


I started walking home, the diner once again catching my eye. One bowl of pork couldn't hurt. He was there again, serving customer after customer. By now I had learned his schedule. Three weeks had passed from our first meeting. I hadn't tried anything as daring as the first time, though. For now, I was content to just watch from afar. But for how much longer would I be?


I walked into the diner for what felt like the millionth time. I had lost track of how long it had been since I first saw those gorgeous brown eyes. I still didn't know his name. I sat down at my usual table. But this time something was different. My little waiter wasn't in sight. He also worked Friday nights. So where was he?

"Looking for me?"he spoke from behind me. He sat across from me at my table. "You come to this diner every day at seven o'clock every night. Why?"

"Why do you think?"

"The food?"I shook my head, biting my lip.

"You."his eyes grew wide with shock, and I leaned across the table pressing my lips against his. It took a couple seconds but soon his lips moved in sync with mine. After what felt like an eternity he slowly pulled away. He ran his tongue over his swollen lips, gazing down as the table suddenly became interesting. I lifted his chin up with my fingers, causing his eyes to lock with mine. "Go out with me, my little waiter."he smiled.

"Of course, my little stalker."now it was my turn to smile. I may not have known why I went into that diner that day. But it was the best decision of my life. "I didn't catch your name."

"Victor, Victor Nikiforov. And you my little waiter?"

"Katsuki, Yuri."I smiled my devilish smile.

"I like that. Yuri, my sexy waiter."

Finally an update! It's late and tired, but you guys deserved an update. Thank you for all the reads, votes, comments, and follows.

For all you Ouran fans out there I'm working on a fanfic.

And for all my Yuri fans, I promise another update soon.

Until then.

Stay crazy


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