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So I should be doing my history homework right now but I'd rather right another oneshot. This one will also be Victuri because after episode 7 it just seems to be the main thing I can think of. If you want a different character x character or a character x reader or a character x some made up person let me know and I will write it.


"But I've already done it twenty times!"

"Again."Yuri sighed in frustration. No matter how many times he did the routine for Victor he would always get ordered to do it again. Skating to his starting point he waited for the music to start. Once it did the routine for the twenty-first time. As soon as the music ended he turned towards Victor, waiting for his approval."Again."

"Victor this is getting ridiculous you can't just immediately expect me to know what I need to fix unless you tell me."Victor let out a long sigh, walking out the door. "Where are you going? Victor!"Yuri skated across the ice, stepping onto the floor. Victor was already gone, and by the time Yuri got his skates off Victor would be long gone. What had he been doing wrong? Everything seemed perfect.

At least he got to take a break. It was already dark outside and they had started skating in the early morning. His body ached, as soon as he got back he'd be sure to take a dip in the hot springs.


Yuri slowly lowered himself into the water, the warmth soothing his sore muscles. He closed his eyes resting his head against the ledge. Everything was so peaceful.

"Would you like to know what was wrong with your skating today?"Yuri jumped at the sudden noise next to his ear. Without looking back Yuri nodded. As Victor spoke Yuri felt his warm breath against his ear causing goosebumps to form on his neck. "You lacked passion."


"Yes, let me show you." Victor moved from his spot behind Yuri slowly lowering himself into the water. Yuri felt a blush rise to his cheeks as his face was at the same level as Victor's waist. Victor moved closer, pinning ear against the side of the hot spring. "Are you ready?"Yuri nodded unsure of what Victor was going to do."Good."

As soon as the word left his mouth Victor had smashed his lips against Yuri's. Victor kissed Yuri with such and intensity that Yuri was shocked to see him return the kiss with the same amount of intensity. Victor's fingers became tangled in Yuri's hair as he pushed them so close he felt every part of Yuri's body. And Yuri felt every part of his. The two pulled their lips apart but their foreheads stayed linked.


"Now do you understand?"Yuri nodded, his chest heaving up and down as he struggled to catch his breath. "Perfect."Victor once again smashed his lips against his. This time the passion in the air was unmistakable. The kiss seemed to go on for hours before Yuri finally pulled away.

"I'm tired."Victor nodded."I'll see you in the morning."Yuri pulled himself out of the water and started the walk back to his room.


Yuri felt the bed dip as he lay there half asleep. He could make a guess on who it was, but Yuri was too tired to react.

"I love your posters."Yuri's eyes flung open and a blush formed on his cheeks. He heard Victor chuckle as he snuggled under the covers pulling Yuri towards him. "I love the fact that you stare at me every day. It makes me happy. You make me happy."Yuri lifted his eyes towards Victor's, his stare sending a chill down his spine. It was a good chill.

"Show me."Victor smiled, picking up where they left off earlier. All thoughts of sleep gone as they showed each other just how strong their love was.

Just as promised, another upload. I don't think I can survive the wait until next episode.

Stay strong my anime pals, stay strong.


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