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Jimin pov
I came back with the ice-cream in my hands but as I was approaching Y/N I heard her cry....
"It's time to let you go....
You've clearly moved on...
I can't just keep on stupidly holding on...
When I'm the reason we're here..." She says in between her cries...I decided to stay back and go behind the tree with my back turned away from her I leaned against the tree as I hear her words...

"What you did hurts like hell
Why did you have to do things to the extent of me wanting to hate you...
I guess I really have to let you go.....
Goodbye Jeon Jungkook.......only this time I'm not letting you go physically...
But I'm letting go of you from my heart....
It's not right to love you anymore...,
I don't want to love you anymore...." a tear fell from my eyes hearing how hurt she is....God Y/N if only you'd tell me what happened I could help you....

I threw the ice cream on the ground and swung my arms around her, backhugging her....
"Please stop crying....."

3rd persons pov

After an hour at the park, Jimin brought y/n home.
He decided to go home as well, expecting an explanation from the maeknae on what he did to y/n that made her want to hate him.

As jimin opened the door of their dorm he went straight into the living and was met by the members sitting on the couch....

Suga:" What took you so long?"
Jin :" Is y/n house that long "
Jimin:" N-no...we stopped at the park and talked for a while"
The members all looked at each other in concern.
Namjoon:" Is there something going on jimin ?"
Taeyhung:" between Y/N and....."
Jhope:" you...?"
Jimin widened his eyes at the sudden question.
Jimin :" What do you mean?"
Namjoon :" how come you and y/n are so close...."
Jin :" even after a long time of no contact...."
Suga :" as if you both never lost contact..."
Taeyhung:" like 'not a single minute has passed by since we last saw her' kind of close...?"

Jimin was shocked and taken back at what they were asking. He didn't know what to answer. He didn't know what he was being accused off.

Jimin :"......I don't....understand what's happening?"

Jimins heart fell from the sudden shouting from his hyung and he can clearly see the anger in his eyes and confusion. He didn't know what got them to thinking this...

Jimin:" H-hyung.....Y/N and I are best friends....always have been...always will be.." He said while looking down at his shaking legs... He didn't understand why he was so nervous.
Namjoon :" Are you sure Jimin?.....then why were you holding her hands earlier?"
Jimin :" Hyung when we opened the door to the practice room and we saw Jungkook and Yein we were all shocked because y/n was there too....
I looked over at her and all I saw was.....pain....sadness like she had just seen the worst thing happen before her eyes....I simply held her hand to remind her that I was there as well...the we were all there....that she can be strong because she's not alone....and she was more calmer after I did that...she wouldn't have been able to smile at Yein if I wasn't holding her....I was simply just doing my 'best friend duties"

Jhope:" love her....still"
Jimin:" doesn't mean I'd hurt jungkook just to get my feelings satisfied........Even if I get the slightest bit of chance to be with Y/N....I wouldn't take it...not in a million years.....I would rather live in a one-sided love forever than lose jungkook...."

All members understood and believed what happened.
Namjoon:" so.....there's no jimin and y/n?
Jimin shook his head.
Suga :" Jungkook thinks there is.....He was mad...and angry...he felt have to convince him it's not true..."
Jimin :" he thinks.....he thinks I'm the reason behind their break up doesn't he?"

The members sadly nodded.
Taehyung:" I mean I would have believed it close you two are like there wasn't that one year gap of no contact..."
Jhope :" Yeah...."
Jimin :" well we.....did...have contact"
All members eyes widened.
Jhope + jin +namjoon +taehyung +suga :" WHAT?!??!!"
Jimin shut his eyes closed while looking down refusing to look at the members furious faces.
Jimin :" I c-can...explain....please....hear me out!"
Jimin :" Where's jungkook?"
Namjoon :" Uhm..we dropped him off at Yein's...he didn't want to go home..because of a particular person..."
Jimin nodded slowly understanding what he was trying to say.

Jimin :" It all started the day of our flight....the day jungkook and Y/N ended things....our flight got delayed for another day because of a snow storm in L.A ...we all went back to the dorm and jungkook stayed in his room...and we were all trying to find out what happened but he wouldn't open the door to us because he didn't want to talk but we could here him sobbing and throwing things around his room.....So....I decided that....if jungkook won't tell us maybe y/n I texted her to meet up....but no reply....I answer....after about 20 messages and 35 missed calls I decided to take a "walk"..remember?....but I went over to her apartment.... and I knocked and rang the bell...but there was no I took the spare key that she gave to us long time ago and went in....I looked around but she wasn't anywhere to be found....but I could hear her cry...I went into her room and i see her...sitting on the floor by her bed crying her eyes out.....I ran to her...and carried her to her bed and I asked her what happened....


Jimin carried her to the bed and caressed her head while he wiped her tears away..
Jimin :" y/n.....what's happened?.....why did you..."
Y/N :" Oppa....please..."She said trying her best to breathe.
Jimin :" talk to me...I can help"
Y/N :" What are you doing here anyway?"
Jimin :" not the point....Y/N..."
Y/N:" Oppa...please...I don't want to..."
Jimin :" How can I help if you won't tell me?"
Y/N kept her head down the tears never seem to stop...
Jimin :" I want to help you....please let me help....I can't stand seeing both my doengsaeng hurt..."
Y/N :" there' way"
Jimin kept his eyes on y/n showing to her that he's willing to do anything.
Y/N :" Oppa...please...promise me something...promise me that...Jungkook....moves on...that he keeps going....and never look back..."
She says in between her sobs..
Y/N :" I don't want him to stay hurting too long.....please make sure he girl that....won't give up on him as easily as I did....please...please Oppa....I want him to be happy......but he can't be if he's still holding onto me...."

Jimin is confused on why she is asking this....the members heard the arguement between y/n and jungkook...they witnessed the whole break up....He's confused on why y/n told jungkook that she doesn't love him anymore when she clearly still does....why did y/n let him go.....

Jimin :" I....p-promise" he hugged her tightly while crying himself.
She's so weak and broken...


The members sat down frozen. Not knowing what to respond.
Suga:" b-but...she said that.."
Namjoon :" She doesn't love him anymore...."
Jhope:" why would she..."
Taeyhung sat frozen tears streaming from his eyes.
Taehyung:" There...must have been a god...she was hurting all this time....just like jungkook....."
Jin :" But the difference is...."
Taeyhung:" Jungkook who did Y/N have?....."
Jimin:" no one...."

All the members just stayed on the couch talking about y/n and why she did what she did....They all soon fell asleep on the couches.

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