Wait for Appa.....

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Next day~
3rd persons pov
The members were practicing for MAMA since it nearly here.
They were like sweating pigs in the dance room and they were all doing fine and perfect everything was on point just like always.
But the members we're still worried about the maeknae because ever since yesterday he's been different...
Not in a bad way different .....he was now just more focused....more than usual....it's scaring his hyungs...but they thought he's just trying to occupy his mind.
So they didn't bother asking him how he is....they just treated him like they usually do...

Yein pov
I've asking around the staff who's been here for a long time...
And by that i mean those who's been here since 2013...
And I've asked them about y/n...

"Oh....yeah...she's that model that bts is so fond of"

I just want to pull my hair out.

"Oh yeah I remember her.....I miss her..,she used to brighten everyone here when it was chaotic by being her bright self"


"Oh we love her!.....and so does bts....and of course the Armys adored her...."

Sorry what? The Armys? Loved her?.....Damn You Jeon Jungkook!....you told them about y/n and not Me?.....WTF!
I decided to look online to see if there's any articles about her and I just felt sick to the stomach on what I've read..

"Y/F/N!! Beautiful model best friends with The famous Bangtan seonyodan is adored by millions..."

"We love how she looks after Bts on behalf of the Armys! "

"Y/N and Jeon Jungkook maeknae of Bts"

"Dating rumours between Bts maeknae and famous Model true?"

"Couple of the Year!! Jeon Jungkook and Y/N/F!"

"Y/N touring with Bts to support her boyfriend and her best friends!"

"Couple of the year CAUGHT Kissing?!"

"Maeknae not a Baby anymore when it comes to y/n"

"Jeon Jungkook surprised his girlfriend in school on her birthday!"

"Jeon Jungkook introducing Y/N to his parents!! It's Serious!"

"Jeon Jungkook and Y/N over?"

"Members of Bts has confirmed the heart breaking news..."

"We still support y/n even though they're over..."

What? She broke his heart and Armys still supported her!!
They thought the breakup was consensual?! Ah Hell No!
She broke his heart! Aagghhh if only the army's knew the truth you wouldnt support her like this!!

I felt so angry I could feel the heat in my body trap inside me ready to explode!!
I opened the door of their dance room and they all looked shocked seeing me boiling with anger..
Oh you just wait WW3 is starting!!

3rd persons pov

The members stopped their dance and looked towards the angered Yein at the door.
They took a step back when she started stomping her way to jungkook.

Yein:" YAH! You told the whole world about y/n!?! WTF?! YOU NEVER EVEN LET ME BE NEAR YOU WHEN THERE'S A WINDOW!"

Jungkook looked shocked and tired at his annoying soon to be ex girlfriend...

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