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Y/N pov
"Ah about 20 weeks....5 months."
I said as I carried the little angel into my embrace.
Mary:" wow...she just looks so small she looks about 3 months..."
"She was born early that's why...she was in an incubator for a while.."
I said as I started packing up the bag that brought along yesterday for sara.
Mary helped me and I put her into the stroller and headed outside.
"Thanks Mary! For taking care of her...again.."
Mary :" it's fine! I'm always happy to take care of her..I know your busy with school and your work..."
I smiled at her and waved at her goodbye..
I went straight to my car and put her carefully in her car seat in the front seat.
"Hey...baby....shhhhhhh....I'm here now..."
I said as she flutter her eyes open when I put her in.

3rdpersons pov
The members hid behind the bush beside the house of the so called Mary.
They were shocked on why y/n came out with a baby...
They heard what Mary said about taking care of the baby often because y/n was busy with school and work...
They were all stuck in a daze not knowing what to make of this..
Suga:" Who's the baby?"
Namjoon:" I'm guessing it's.....hers?...."
Jimin:" she's not a mother...."
Taeyhung:" well that woman said that..."
Jimin:" I heard what the woman said and we're clearly misunderstanding this situation!"
Jin:" Maybe it is hers.....I mean we didn't see her for...a long time...a year.."
He said trying to analyse the whole situation.
They all looked at each other and saw that jungkook wasn't even paying attention.
He was just staring at y/n taking care of the baby...
They didn't know what was going on in his mind..
Namjoon:" Jungkook-ah.....gwenchana?"
Jungkook couldn't muster any words..

Jungkook pov
I just watched as she put the baby in the car..
Is she the mother.....
Is that her child.....
Who's the father....
She doesn't have a boyfriend....
Or does she?...
Or did she?......
The baby looks so small....
It looks about just a couple months old...
So that would mean that....
She was pregnant....when we broke up?.....
But she didn't cheat on me....
Did she....
Is that why.....
No!! I can't jump into any conclusion AGAIN!....

Am I the father?......

3rd persons pov
The questions remained circling in his head...
The questions he wants answers to...
The members wanted to know more
As y/n got in the car herself and buckled up she started the car removing the boys from their thoughts.
They quickly got into their van and followed y/n again..
They kept driving until they reached a park,,,
A park near her apartment..
She went out and put the baby in a stroller and headed into the park.
The members followed her closely behind but not top close...
She sat at a bench while rocking the stroller back and forth.

Jungkook:" H-hyung......how old do you think....the baby is..."
Jungkook whispers over to his hyungs and they all soon realised the same thing jungkook did earlier.
That the baby is only a few months old meaning she was already pregnant when they ended things...
Namjoon:" Jungkook-ah......did you and....y/n....ever....do it?"
Jungkook:" No......uh......oh...."
The members were glad when jungkook said no but the doubt in jungkooks eyes makes them worry...
Suga:" What....what?"

Jungkook stood frozen remembering the night of your 7 monthsary....
When you both lost your virginity to each other....

"H-hyung.......we didn't....use.....protection...." He says as he kneeled to the ground.
The members eyes shot wide opened hearing the sudden news from the maeknae all their mouths wide open...
Namjoon lifted him up from the ground and started walking away from the bench y/n was sitting on.
The members followed the leader holding the maeknae who seemed to be trapped in his thoughts..
They stopped by a tree beside another bench that's far from where they were.
Namjoon:" Jungkook-ah.....are...you sure...." He said as he stared at the young one leaning his back on the tree,
Suga:" How come you never....told us?"
He still didn't answer his hyung who seemed to be pleading with answers,
Jin:" Uh....what do we do...."
Taeyhung:" Wait!! WTF! HOW!?" He said shouting his voice to the maeknae.
The members hit the back of his head for being an idiot..
Suga:" How?......do.."
Taeyhung:" AHHHH HYUNG!! Stop! I know how! I just mean....doesn't matter.." He said giving up on trying to find answers
Jungkook:" I..... do...you think....I'm"
Jhope:" We don't know yet...ok!?... we'll find out...."
He said trying to reassure him.
Namjoon:" We can't exactly just ask her......she hasn't told us about the baby yet....so clearly she doesn't want us to know..."
Jimin:" which is an even more of a reason why jungkook seems to be the father" He says not looking at anyone but at the distance..
Jungkook :" father.....me?....." He mumbles to himself feeling sick hearing the word that he thought he'd never hear about himself not till a couple more years...
Taeyhung:" AYYYYY JUNGKOOK-AH IS A FATHER!!" The members hit him again for being an idiot.
He groaned in pain and touched the places he was hit.
Suga:" Taeyhung! Another word and I'm going to hit you....RIGHT THERE!" He screamed pointing at Taeyhung middle region..
he quickly took a step back protecting his pal..

Jungkook pov
Me? A father?
What do I feel about this?......Am I ready to be a father?.....
To go home and have a child run up to me calling me...Appa?..
I have always dreamt of having a family one day....and to think that I'm going to share it with y/n is even more of a blessing...
I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her...
Marry her....
Live together...
Have a child together...
But we skipped the first two steps already... Having a child with y/n is amazing and to think of having our own family....but right now?....
I'm not too sure....
I have a girlfriend...
But if that child is mine.....I'm making it my number one priority....
No more Yein..... at least this way when I break up with her I have a legit reason...
I'll have to end my career....
I have to graduate!! .....no more playing around....I have to finish school so I could get into business and provide my family and at the same time still be at home every night....
No missing my child's first steps...
Her first words....
Seeing her grow....
Watching her sleep....
Singing to her....
Carrying her in my arms....
Her first day of school....
Meeting her first crush...
Protecting her from the boys....
Making sure she doesn't get pregnant.....early....
Y/N had to go through this alone....she had this child alone....
She was in labor on her own...
I wasn't there to watched her belly grow....
I wasn't there to fetch her all the cravings she had....
I wasn't there to hold her hand while she was giving birth....
Why didn't you tell me?

"Why didn't she tell me?.......I would have given up anything...." I said as I held my chest and I'm crying.....I'm crying because the pain she had to go through....the struggles....she endured on her own.....

3rd persons pov
The members watched the maeknae as he was struggling in his thoughts and crying.
Namjoon:" Maybe,...that's the reason why.....why she didn't tell you....."
The members all looked at him confused on what he was trying to explain.
Namjoon:" She knew....that if she told you.....you'd give up....give up Everything.....she knew that if you had to pick between your career and her..."
Jungkook:" I'd pick her...." He said as he finally stopped the tears looking at his trembling legs..
Suga:" We should go.....she might see us...." He said as he looked around.
Jhope:" this day never happened! Got it! Or else she'll be mad at us for following her..." He said walking towards the direction of the parking lot.
They all soon followed with jungkook walking behind still stuck in his thoughts...

When they got home jungkook went straight to his room and the members decided that it was best to leave him be.....
They got a phone call that the collaboration photoshoot will take place again somewhere in busan and it will be a 3 days...since the last time was ended quickly because of the incident...but ofcourse the staff didn't know...all they knew was that jungkook and y/n suddenly felt sick and wanted to go home...

Namjoon:" Ok......this is going to be.."
Suga:" Weird.."
Jin:" and awkward..."


Please read my message.......
I'm sorry....

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