Chapter One

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"Lauren," I heard someone call me just near from where I am. I tucked the hair that was on my face to my ear. I looked to my side and saw my bestfriend Claire, walking with her hair flipped by the wind  dramatically. The guys in the hallway were staring at her like she is golden.

I was leaning on the wall, just in front of my school locker, for support. I was reading my text book, studying for the upcoming quiz in Physics.

"As usual you are here studying for that crappy quiz that Mr. Roberston will give us later. I should've known," she snapped. Some guys passed by and I watched her gave them a flirty wave. I shook my head and continued to read.

"Oh come on," she said and snatched my textbook away from me. I adjusted my eyeglasses and looked to her. "You don't have to study. You are a genius. Studying isn't a requirement for you anymore,"

I smirked. "I still have to study though to make sure I got all the formula's correct and memorized for the quiz,"

"Babe, stocked knowledge," she said, rolling her eyes sarcastically. I shook my head.

"Then what? Get stuck in high school?" I asked. "Well, I don't believe in that thing you know. And I hate to repeat. Considering that I stopped studying for a year after we moved everywhere then finally here," I added. "Both of us know how serious is studies to me right? Missing it for a year actually made me feel like dumb," then I held my palm open to her front, gesturing her to give the book back me. She heaved a sigh and handed it over.

"Thank you," I whispered as we walked away for our next class, which is, undoubtly, Physics.

"You have to thank you Dad's job why you're still in senior high school when supposed to be you are in college," she spat. "You could have took that test that would allow you to jump for a year,"

"Well, you also need to thank my Dad's job that it brought us here and became the reason why I am here in front of you and is your bestfriend," I said. "And you know how much I hate skipping a year. That is why I did not took it,"

"Well, your bluntness is taking over," she said. As we walked to where our classroom is, the jocks passed by and I was sure each of them just winked at Claire to which she just flashed her 'flirty smile'.

"Oh boy," I muttered.

"You know what? Jason is so handsome. I come to the point that he might really like me," she said.

I chuckled. "Yeah I think so too. He likes you to be in his bed and get on his pants like almost every girl in this school does,"

"Hey!" She spat.

"Then he'll add you to the long list of girls he had that 'thing' with," I said. "And unfortunately, I was speaking the truth,"

"Whatever," she hissed. We turned around a corner when the bell rang, a sign that next class is about to start in a minute. We hurried and arrived in the classroom, right before the final bell rang.

I went to my seat at the back as I saw Mr. Robertson came in, clutching a block of paper that was pressed on his chest.

As soon as he gave out some instructions and handed out the testpapers, I answered the questionaire right away without bothering to write my name.

It was very easy that I ended up finishing the test in less than ten minutes. I then passed my paper but Mr. Robertson handed me back my paper.

"If you don't want to be zero in this quiz Miss Wilkins, I suggest you to write your name," he said. My jaw dropped but I took the paper anyway and wrote my name and handed it back to him. I exited the room quietly.

Physics is my last class of the day. As soon I got into the eerily silent hallway, I went straight to my locker and left all my books there, leaving my bag very light. It's friday as well so that means tonight is my free night.

And I could be in my inner wild animal side, tonight.


"Bye, I am leaving. Thanks for tonight Harry. Guess, this is the last." I heard the girl say before she turned to open the door and leave.

I was still in my bed, naked. That girl is just awesome to let go. But, I can find girls which is a lot better than her, right?

When I couldn't hear muffling noises in the flat's living room anymore, I got up and started to dress up. I checked the time and it's twenty minutes past eleven.

As if on cue, my phone rang. The caller ID belongs to Niall. I picked it up.


"Mate, where are you?" Niall asks me. I grabbed a jacket and a beanie.

"I'm still at the flat. But I am heading out," I answered. "You?"

"Just arrived here in the pub," He answered. "The usual place we go,"

"I see," I said as I locked the front door. "Still alone?"

"Nah, Louis is here. Zayn's on his way and Liam's here but he's talking with someone somewhere,"

"A girl?" I chuckled.

Niall laughed. "Trying to think Liam's like you, huh?"

"Well, he's a candidate. A shoo in," I said as I walked my way to the elevator in this empty and silent hallway. "He could be like me. Anyone can be like me,"

"Shut up," He said. "Liam's never going to be like you,"

"Well, he is about to," I bantered. On the other line, Niall chuckled.

"Whatever Harry," he said. "See you lad," and then he hang up. I grinned as I snucked my phone to my back pocket and stepped into the elevator.


First Chapter! Hello 2014! It's alreay 2014 in my country. So Hi to everyone who is still in year 2013! How does it feel that someone from 2014 greeted you? HAHA. ;)

So, basically, this is my first book for 2014 and my 10th book. I will be releasing the other story I wrote titled "Diana". The idea came to me and striked me like a lightning.  I really love writing. Sometimes, I think I am a psycho or what. 

Cheers to 2014!

Kendrix ;)

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