Chapter Eight

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Harry's POV


"Look, look, look," Niall said as soon as he showed up. "The ladies man is actually here, unexpectedly,"

"Oh shut up," I said as I gave him a look.

"Well, you cannot blame the Irish or even one of us on calling you like that," Zayn laughed. "Well, because obviously, you really are."

I just shrugged and crossed my arms as I focused watching the movie. They then sat on the couch with me. "So, you've heard about that?" I asked without a look to them.

"Well, it's all over the news," Liam said. I look to him and he is holding a magazine and he waved it at me. "And in this magasine,"

"Of course," I said.

"Then who is this unlucky girl?" Louis asked.

I laughed with the word 'unlucky'. "That word is a big one," I told him. "And why do you care? This is my life lads,"

"Yeah, we know," Liam added. "But sometimes we need to meddle to tell you that whatever you are planning or what, you better stop it before you'll regret."

I laughed. "What will I regret? We're just friends," I declared.

"Since when did 'holding hands intimately' happened between friends?" Zayn asked.

"And look at that grin on your face idiot," Niall added. "So you might want to stop that."

"What grin are you talking about?" I asked

"That grin and the grin you are wearing in the picture," Liam said.

"We are honestly only friends," I repeated.

"Doesn't look like it," Louis huffed.

"With that grin we've always seen since the time you met her until today that is very unremovable, you can only say that you are only friends?" Zayn asked. "Ha mate, that's like the oldest lie on the book and I've used that for a few times before. And I tell you, it's not healthy."

"I'm healthy," I said.

Niall sighed. "He wasn't really talking about the 'real' health idiot," Niall snapped. "He meant different."

"Then enlighten me," I told them.

"Whatever dude." Louis said. "Enlighten yourself."

I shrugged and continued to watch the movie, without minding them sitting around me. "You better be careful with someone like her Harry. You might be the one ending up broken,"

I laughed. "Well, thanks for the concer but it seems that I won't be the one who will. I don't even care about her. I was just playing out with her. She seemed to be so innocent." I told them with a small laugh.

"One thing that I could tell you, you cannot always play a game the way you want it to play." Niall said and giving me slight tap. "And I might add, good luck on that," after a few seconds, he walked out of the house, leaving me confused.

"What's was with him?" I asked.

"Don't ask us because we're actually on the same side," Liam laughed and left as well.

"Like on Niall's side?" I asked.

"Yeah," Zayn nodded and then he left, leaving me and Louis alone.

"You're all weird," I huffed. "What the hell is happening because seriously I don't get one thing,"

"You might wanted to ask yourself with that question curly," Louis said.

I shook my head. "You're all weird."

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