four: steve x reader

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Steve was an idiot. What else was there to say? Steve Randle was a complete, colossal, idiot. At times, his stupidity was almost too much to handle. You guess you could say that you couldn't handle the Randle. But you loved him anyway.

Currently, you were both sat on the front steps of the Curtis house, Steve moaning in pain. His hands were both clutched to his jaw, and at the moment, you were trying to get him to move them so you could help him. He tried brushing you away softly, assuring you that he was fine, despite the fact that he could hardly open his mouth because it hurt him too much.

"Steve Randle, move your hands right now! You were an idiot, doing what you did, and you're being an idiot again by not letting me help you!" you scolded him.

Reluctantly, he moved his hands away and looked down at his lap shamefully. He was too cocky for his own good, but he was smart enough to realize when he was wrong. You tilted his head at an angle so you could see it better in the light. When you saw the damage, you immediately winced, and Steve tried to crane his head to look at you.

You swore softly, and retreated to the Curtis kitchen for some ice. The rest of the gang was inside watching TV, and only Sodapop turned to look at you on your way through. His eyes seemed to ask if he was hurt, and you nodded. He looked away quickly, leaving you to get what you needed.

The ice seemed to sting your hands on the way back out, so you grabbed a towel on the way out to protect your hands. When the door opened, revealing Steve, his hands were back on his jaw and he was almost rolling around on the ground in 'pain'. You rolled your eyes, and told him to stop the act. You had seen him snap his leg clean his half and he hadn't shed a tear. Clearly, this wasn't that bad.

"You know, I was going to give you a kiss.." you began, and your boyfriend immediately perked his head up, suddenly feeling a lot better. "But maybe you're too sore to do that."

You smiled at him, enjoying the look of disappointment on his face. He was still beautiful, you noticed as you plopped down next to Steve. Why did no one else seem to see it? Why did so many always seem to forget your Steve?

You took his hands softly, and carefully removed them from his face again. There was a large bruise across his face where Darry had punched him, along with a few cuts littered everywhere; not to mention that Steve's jaw looked out of place. You quickly dressed the wounds, and placed the ice to the injury, hoping you had done it right. You also handed him a couple of aspirins, which he downed quickly with no water.

"Here, you hold it," you told him, "my hands are frozen."

"Oh. I'm sorry," he mumbled quickly, really not being able to speak properly. "Here, set the ice down for a second."

You obeyed, confused. Steve took your hands and rubbed them in between his swiftly, and then wrapped them in a blanket, trying to keep them warm. You giggled, unwrapping the blanket. Your hands were still cold, but oh well. He tried.

You handed Steve the blanket, and told him to use it to protect his hands from the ice. He insisted he didn't need it, and placed the bag against his cheek. For awhile, he was fine, but while he thought you weren't looking, he picked up the blanket still.

You traced patterns along Steve's legs and hand (the other one holding ice) while you asked him what happened.

Steve tried his very best to tell you what had happened, but most of it was unintelligible murmurs that you found adorable, because he always got frustrated whenever he couldn't say a word properly. You were able to piece together this, although some parts you couldn't understand:

The whole gang had been hanging out as usual, while Steve waited for you. Everyone had been teasing Darry with silly nicknames, and then Steve had called him 'all brawn and no brain', and then Darry had hurt your boyfriend's jaw.

It was well known within your part of town that Darry had always wanted to go to college, but hadn't been able to since... you know. You all felt bad for him, not because anyone was jealous, but because he had been the only one of your lot who had the ability to get to any sort of college after high school.

So, yes, Steve had been an idiot, and he was sorry. However, you were still mad at Darry for hurting your boyfriend, no matter how much you deserved it. You didn't like seeing him in any sort of pain, except that it made him let you baby him.

You moved around to Steve's other side, the one without the broken jaw, and leaned against him. "I love you."

He tried to say it back, but it came out something like, "I lef ooh."

You reached over and kissed him on the cheek, then told him to stay quiet so that his jaw could heal.

Eventually, you and Steve went back inside, where Soda immediately stole him from you to do whatever it is they do together. Platonically.

You sit on the couch next to Darry, who shifts and looks at you uncomfortably. "I'm not sorry," he says finally.

You smile at him, and lean back on the couch. "Yeah, I know. I came to thank you for knocking some sense into the cocky idiot."

You both laugh, when Steve walks in. "What are you two talking and laughing at?"

"You and your stupidness," you tell him firmly.

"Oh," he says brightly, "In that case, continue. Actually, wait." he turns to the hall. "Hey, Soda! Come here! We're smack-talking me!" He then winces and grabs his jaw again.

Soda comes running, already throwing insults, and Steve feigns shock.

The whole gang continues to smack-talk Steve, including Steve, but you didn't. Instead, you stood behind him and massaged his neck, for whatever reason.

Eventually, Darry said, "I'm starting to think Steve and Soda are more than just friends. Sorry (y/n)."

You blushed furiously, and look down.

"Here, babe, hold my ice," Steve murmurs, handing you the bag.

He and Sodapop jump onto Darry, going completely berserk on him. You sigh, and walk away laughing. You're going to need more ice, because there's no way Darry's going down without a fight.

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