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Flashback continued

While Glenn was being operated on, the others gathered in the kitchen. Rick was the first to speak.

"Alright guys! We did it!"

A tired cheer arose from the team.

"What's next?" Michonne asked.

Rick sighed as the others looked at him with curiosity.

"Well," he began. "We have to gather our weapons and go back out to hunt down the Saviors."

"But we killed Negan!" Aaron protested.

"Which is exactly why we need to go back out there," Carol said.


"The Saviors will want revenge," Daryl answered.

"Right," Rick responded. "Gather your best weapons, some extras, food, whatever you need. This is a mass man-hunt! We're taking these guys out!"

Another tired cheer arose from the group.

"Let's get going! Meet back here in an hour," Rich commanded.

Swiftly, they left out the front door, all except for Carl. He ran to the back door and took off for his house. The cold air of the night sent chills down his spine, making him run faster. He soon reached the porch steps of the home and flung the front door open.

"Enid!" he called.

"Carl?" was the quiet reply.

He rushed to the closet where he'd locked Enid in, but when he got there, the closet door was already open. His eyebrows furrowed.

"Carl," a voice from behind him sang.

He turned. There, standing with a frying pan, was Enid.

"Enid?" he questioned.

"Welcome back," was the last thing he heard before blacking out.

When he woke up, he was in the closet. It was dark. Apparently, someone had busted the lightbulb. He sighed. Then, he noticed a pounding in his head. He reached up to touch the wound. No blood. "That's good," he thought. But what had happened? He last remembered seeing Enid with a frying pan looking him dead in the eye. Oh no. Had she really knocked him out? How long had he been here? Carl sat up and tried the door. It wasn't locked, but it wouldn't move. There was probably something blocking the door. He needed to get out to gather his supplies for the man-hunt. What if they'd left without him? He slowly stood up and shouted, "Enid!"

No answer.

"Enid!" he tried again. He sighed. "I know you're there."

Outside, he heard a shuffle of feet. Now, he knew for sure that she was there.

"Enid, please," he started. "I'm really sorry for locking you in here."

Still no response.

"I–I just wanted to keep you safe."

"I don't need protecting," came Enid's soft grumble.

Carl paused in a bit of shock. "I know you're physically strong enough."

"What's that supposed to mean?" came the second reply.

"I'm just saying...I know you're strong and have a good aim, but I didn't want you to have to see the things that went down tonight. Please understand..." he trailed off.

Enid gave a soft sigh. Outside, Carl heard more shuffling and a chair being moved away from the door. So that was blocking the door. With the twist of the knob, Carl was free. He instantly inhaled the fresh air. It had been quite stuffy in the closet. Suddenly, his eye met Enid's. It was dark, but he could tell she was calmer than before.


"It's okay," Enid interrupted. "I knew why you'd locked me in the closet a long time ago. I just really wanted to see your reaction," she giggled.

It was hard for Carl not to laugh. This was kind of funny besides the massive headache he had.

"Do you forgive me?" Enid asked.

"Yes, but the real question is do you forgive me?" Carl inquired with true sorrow. He didn't regret leaving her behind, but he did feel some remorse for locking her in a closet.

"Well, it's sorta hard to stay mad at you," Enid admitted. "So, I do."

Carl smiled at her. She was really pretty. He hadn't quite noticed before.

"I was so worried about you," Enid said as she embraced him. She nuzzled her face in his neck, and she started tearing up at the thought of her best friend dying. She shuttered when she inhaled, and Carl noticed. He gently rubbed her back.

"It's okay. I'm still here," he comforted.

"What about everyone else?" she asked, still in Carl's warm embrace.

Carl bit his lip as tears began forming at the edge of his eye. "Eugene...he's gone, Maggie is still sick, and Glenn took a swing to the head. He's in surgery right now with Denise." A few tears and a soft sob escaped them both.

"Did you at least kill them all?" Enid asked.

"We're working on it," he sniffed.

She looked up at him and said, "You're going back?"

He nodded.

"Then you'd better hurry because I saw Daryl and your dad packing weapons in backpacks a few minutes ago."

"Oh! Okay! Thank you," he released from the emotional hug.

"Wait!" Enid caught hold of his wrists. "Let me go with you this time."

"Enid, I don't–"

"I mean it. I've killed before, and I can kill again. You were protecting me from seeing my own people's lives in peril. But that's over now."

"I can't promise that," Carl stated.

"Fine. I just...I want to help, I'm capable, and I'm going whether you like it or not. I've already packed, too."

Carl tenderly looked at her. He loved her too much to let anything happen to her, but he knew that she was quite independent and very capable.

"Yeah, okay. Let's go," he concluded.

Enid smiled now, knowing that her best friend supported her. They'd make a great team someday.

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