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"Rick!" Michonne panted as she ran into the chapel.

Startled, Rick turned around in time to see Fawn, the new girl, run in after Michonne.

"What is it?" he asked.

"It's Ron. Fawn knows who he is!" she answered.

Taken aback, Rick whispered, "What?"

"Tell him," Michonne urged Fawn.

After she caught her breath, Fawn swallowed and spoke.

"He was Negan's right hand man. He led us out into the woods, but he and a dozen of the Saviors ditched us while we slept. You found us only a week or so later. And now I'm here."

Rick took only a moment to process this and started firing questions.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner? Where did they go?"

"I didn't think it was important. We suspected that they went South."

"That's good. Thank you," Michonne said as she placed a hand on Fawn's shoulder.

"Okay, okay, okay. So let's head South then," Rick led.

"But they may not have gone South. They could've gone elsewhere," Michonne mentioned.

"That's true..." the red-head admitted.

"Alright. Here's what we'll do. Since Maggie and Sasha just got back from Hilltop, they'll stay here with the people and Carl.  You, Daryl, Glenn, and I will head South. The rest of us can split up and go the other directions," Rick told Michonne.

"But what about Fawn?"

"She can stay here and see what Denise and Tara need."

Just then, Carl and Maggie also rushed into the chapel.

"Dad!" Carl cried.

"Carl?" Rick exclaimed. "You're supposed to be in the infirmary!"

"Dad, I'm fine," his son sighed.

Rick walked to the door of the little church to get out of the blinding sun's rays coming in through the windows; he'd be able to see them better.

"What happened to Judith?" Carl asked.

"She's gone. Someone took her in the night," he answered.

"How'd they get in?" Maggie asked.

"I took a look at the house earlier," Michonne stated. "The kitchen window was busted open from the outside."

"What about the gates? How'd they get past it?" Maggie questioned.

"Found a ladder outside. I think they climbed over."

"Who was on guard last night?" Rick demanded.

Everyone in the room looked around at each other. No one knew.

"Was anyone on duty at all?"

No reply. This fueled the fire.

"Someone is gunna get hurt if no one knows."

After a minute's silence, Rick asked where Enid was.

"She left the infirmary just a few minutes ago," Maggie said.

"Somebody go find her. We'll need her knowledge of these woods," Rick commanded.

"I'll go," Carl offered.

"No. Not you. Anyone else?"

"Why not?" Carl asked with anger.

"You're still recovering. It took Glenn a long time to heal from Negan's blows," Rick whispered as to not upset Maggie.

"I know that, but I won't let a stupid injury get in the way of my sister's life."

Carl's eyes narrowed when he studied his father. Rick considered this a moment.

"Son, I know you want to go find Judith, but I don't want to risk the lives of both of my children," Carl's dad wisely said.

"But Dad–"

"Don't start," Rick interrupted. "My word is final. You can stay here with Enid and look over the people. They'll need someone to lead them while I'm gone."

Carl swallowed back a tear and nodded.

"Maggie, help him back to the infirmary please," Rick calmly requested.

Maggie smiled and opened the door for the injured young man.

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