Chapter 1: A New Day (Emilia's POV):

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"Difficult Roads Often lead to Beautiful Destinations."




I awoke with a jolt the next morning and was met with a bright light streaming in through the small carriage window. I hurriedly looked around in the carriage but soon realized that I was all alone, and thus decided to go out and look for everyone; I had always hated the thought of being left alone, although, that's what had happened; the cause of the darkness that plagued my dreams. He had left.

Opening the door, my eyes were blinded by the beaming light that contrasted with the dark interior of the carriage. Once they slowly adjusted, I found myself to be in a town, one of which I never truly wanted to come to. As I examined the area around where I was standing, I found a carved, wooden sign with the words, "Welcome to Mystic Falls" engraved in it. Taking in the town, I perceived it to be just another ordinary town; one of which I would be succumbed to live in for the rest of my days. 

Simply horrid. 

Lost in thought, I soon found my sister approaching me. Avia was wearing one of her simple yet more fashionable dresses; a strapless gray gown that went in a slight deep v-neck tight around the waist and flowed down; while I in comparison decided to go with a plain, sleeveless, yellow dress that had a small flow, leading to the floor. She had always been the one to show off while I liked to stay unnoticed by the public, and in all reality, I wanted to keep it that way.

   "So we have arrived" I stated in disdain, still annoyed at leaving our true home. "Yes, it's just so dreary, isn't it" Avia stated looking around, disgusted by the town. "You know that apparently this town is 'protected' against magical creatures like werewolves," 

A laugh escaped my throat as she muttered the statement, "You may be older than me but I don't believe in 'werewolves', sister" I replied, and watched as mother, father, and our little sister returned from a small hut located along road.

"Good news, girls, I purchased a place for us to live in for the time being; now it is not as big as our last home, but we can make do with what we have" Our father announced reaching both of us with a weary expression present on his face. The tragedy had struck him the hardest, after all his oldest son had left the living world; and now he was left with three girls with only him to provide for us.

"This place is getting better and better" I mumbled under my breath as we entered the carriage once again, a darkness embracing me with open arms as we closed the doors and began the departure.


    We were riding on the dirt road to our "new" home, which was an hour away from town. It had been about 40 minutes thus far and Sara was beginning to get restless. "Mama, are we there yet or not" Sara squealed. Avia glared at our little sister who was moving around the carriage as if she was trapped in a box, suffocating and although I didn't show it, I was suffocating in my own way.

 "Sara, please sit down, we will be there soon" Our mother called out, making it clear that the conversation would go no farther. Sara grumpily sat down with a "humph" and stayed silent for the rest of the trip glaring at all of us on a subject her innocence would soon make her forget. 

The carriage soon came to an abrupt stop making me, as always, lose my balance and fall ungracefully on the carriage floor, "I swear...this happens to me every time," I yelled wiping the dirt of my dress. Laughs were echoing around the carriage as my mother gave me disapproving look, "Well if you sat correctly with proper posture you would not fall so much and maybe even find a husband." I looked at mother for a moment with a menacing gaze and then we all burst out into laughter. It was a 'touchy' subject: Marriage. Although it had always been a humorous topic when it pertained to me.

 "That's hilarious, mother" Avia got out between giggles as if the thought was unimaginable, which truthfully, in my case, it was.

  Once our father called to us, we all exited the carriage and were met with a small home made of concrete with beautiful architecture surrounding the villa, which I had never seen before in our last town. It had a beautiful garden with a small plot of land around it. Although it was beautiful,I frowned at the size as I heard a faint question. "Well what do you think?" our father asked as he walked in front of us. Sara ran up and gave him a hug, "I love it, oh I love it so.." she squealed causing me to subsequently roll my eyes. My father smiled, "I'm glad, I know that it is smaller than our old place but...." Avia quickly stepped in before he could get another word out, "But we love it!"

As everyone went inside, I stopped my sister. "So why did you lie to him" I asked with a simple roll of my eyes, pointing to the less than extraordinary home which we would be forced to live in. "You would understand if you were older, we need to tell him everything is okay, especially with Aiden's death," with a sigh I walked inside, letting my hand linger on the intricate designs on the wall outside the door. I looked at the door and then turned around, "I guess this is my new life" I thought turning back around and taking a step inside with a sense of dread taking over my mind.


Emilia's Dress:

Emilia's Dress:

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Avia's Dress:

Avia's Dress:

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