Chapter 4: Something to Remember or Something to Forget? (Emilia POV)

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 "Eventually all things fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moments, and know everything happens for a reason." 

- Albert Schweitzer 



It had been a few days since the "Mikaelson situation" and Rebekah had generously invited us to her home for a fun 'girls' day. It didn't take much coaxing before our parents agreed to let us out for the day to spend with the girl. 

Hearing a knock on the door, I opened it to find Rebekah waiting for us, an excited grin plastered on her face.

"Hey Rebekah. Give me one minute let me call Avia" I told her before turning around, walking a few steps away from her, and screaming, "AVIAAAA, Bekah is waiting for us." I mean honestly, you couldn't expect me to actually walk up those stairs. Screw the 'being a lady' crap.

"Coming," Avia yelled from our room as she walked out, making one of her 'famous' not to mention flawless entrances. I swear that girl could roll around in the dirt and her hair still wouldn't be an inch out of place.

"Ready?" Rebekah asked smiling at the two of us. "Of course" Avia immediately responded as she pushed both of us out of the door, ready for the day which awaited us.

As we walked with Bekah, I kept a few steps behind, watching my surroundings as if something would jump out and hurt me. I had always been skeptical of everything and everyone, while Avia had always been a carefree spirit. I always wondered how she could do that, be so open, so optimistic for things to come; sometimes it seemed as if we couldn't be related. Her with her beautiful dark hair which cascaded to her hips, flawless olive skin, and dark eyes which caused all the men to swoon after her.

And then there was me.

Messy brunette hair which stuck out in all directions no matter the struggle of keeping it sane- something I had given up on years ago- rough, pale, skin, Hazel-colored eyes, the one thing I actually didn't mind about my appearance. And the worst thing of all; my height. Yes, let's just say I always stick out like a sore thumb; I was a good foot taller than most of the men at my old village, and that didn't exactly keep my options open.

"Em, Em watch out" Avia screamed. 

I heard the words too late as I fell on the muddy ground. Great...did I mention I'm clumsy? My sister helped me back up as I attempted to salvage my dress, though from the looks of my sister's forced smile I could see it didn't exactly work... Oh well.

I had decided to watch my feet, hoping to save myself from any future falls, before I crashed into my sister who had apparently stopped in front of me. So, apparently watching your feet as you are walking with three other people wasn't the 'best' idea. 

 "Oh god, I'm so sorry" I apologized to which my sister just laughed and pointed to the estate, "Em we're here."

I followed her gaze, easily finding what she was pointing towards. It was a large estate (and when I say large I mean- larger the all the homes in my last village combined-large), surrounded by grand decor.

"Welcome to Casa Mikaelson" Rebekah jokingly told us. "Are you serious? This is your home?" I asked causing her to laugh at my supposed antics.

"No I just brought you to a random home... Of course it's my place, come on let's go in".

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