Chapter 8: A Secret Foretold

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"I see everything. That is my curse."





Eternally damned.

That sounds right, it was something both Emilia and Avia knew to be true; but, let's get into that a bit later.

In a few days the town would host its annual Harvest Festival, which was apparently a celebration for witches. Both girls were quite anxious about the supernatural aspect - although Emilia still vowed she didn't believe in it- they were still excited for the festival.

That was until they realized what day it was.

'Their' birthday.

Although both born in different years they were born on weeks very close together. Emilia was born on April 29 and Avia was born on May 25. They were only 3 weeks apart, and it was Luna tradition to host both sister's birthdays in the middle of the 3 weeks on the same day.

May 13th.

Well, as traditions go, Emilia and Avia swear this one was -there's that word again- cursed.

Every year on May 13th something horrid happened.

No, this isn't a joke. Imagine the worst possible scenario that could happen in the span of a day and it has most probably happened to the Luna sisters.

Still don't believe me? Here's a short overview:

May 13th 1190:

- The Red-Paint-Incident occurred.

May 13th 1191:

- Emilia had fallen in a well; it had taken all day to get her out.

- Avia had tumbled into a ditch; it had taken hours to find her.

May 13th 1192:

- Aiden, their brother, died.

May 13th 1193:

- To be Continued.

Yes, it was a cursed day or so it seemed to the Luna sisters and that day was consequently the day of the Harvest Festival.

Anxiety had overcome both Emilia and Avia as the day came to an end. "Avia, I hate this" Emilia yelled screaming into her pillow,"

Avia looked at her sister wishing she could do the same, "I know tomorrow, you turn, in Luna years, 17 and I 18,"

Emilia looked at her annoyed, "I don't even understand why we celebrate our birthdays on the same day. Mother and Father know that it is cursed, why can't we just celebrate it separately?" she groaned from her bed.

"No, Mother and Father think we are psychotic for saying that it is 'Damned' and that we are just trying to get out of celebrating with them," Avia answered picking up the guitar her father had bought for her years ago to practice.

"Don't they notice that something goes wrong every year on that day, think about it; remember when that rampant horse chased us through the streets for three hours" Em ranted.

"Well how about tomorrow we just stay home and skip the festival, or if we do have to go out we can keep it short and be careful" Avia said in a sing-song voice while strumming her guitar.

They had tried this before and it never worked. Nothing could be done to stay protected from the evil of the day, but the least they could do was minimize the effects.

"Deal" Emilia answered resolute in the decision to stay inside.

"Now why don't you go get your song book so I can sing" Avia asked smiling. Emilia threw a pillow at her sister, "You will never see that book" She answered laughing, "Nice try though"

Avia put her guitar down and closed the windows which were inviting a cold breeze inside their room, "Good night sister, have sweet dreams while you can,"

Emilia laughed at this thought, "As if that would be possible with what comes tomorrow" My sister stated draping the blanket over herself.

For tomorrow is a cursed day, and nothing could stop that.


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