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The only thing I am still trying to figure out is if my reality is a dream or not a dream

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The only thing I am still trying to figure out is if my reality is a dream or not a dream.

Ever heard of the Bermuda Triangle? Well, I am from there. Not exactly there but it is close enough. Corpu Miber (Kor-pu My-ber) is where I am from. If you have never heard of this place before that is fine because a lot of people haven't heard of us before. We basically don't exist on any world map but it is not a priority for us to be known.

My small country is where people who want to escape the mainstream countries go to. A land of opportunity, it works for others and not for others. It depends on which of the five states you come from, namely Anchor, Covenant, Kingdom, Serenity and Tranquil. Anchor is the capital and where everyone wants to be. It is where you know you have made it in life if you live there.

Covenant is for more conservative people who want to life a simple life away from the buzz of the city. Kingdom is actually an ironic name for the state because it is known as the state where old people go to die and it is not the ruling state even if it is the largest. It is behind on everything and anything. It is also the state that is not doing well economically and anyone there wants to get the hell out of there. It's a hell hole there. Serenity is the perfect state to start a family and live suburban life to the fullest. Tranquil is literally a jail state. No one from the outside knows what really goes on there. The only way to know is if you are in prison and I am not curious enough to find out.

My country is not perfect it has most issues other countries experience from racial, political and economic. How the politics works is that every five years a new president of the country is elected from one of the current state presidents. The state presidents are at least chosen by the public but when it comes to the president, the state presidents choose a leader amongst themselves. For as long as I can remember Anchor has been in power. I guess money can buy everything. As much as there were good intentions for the way my country is run there are always a few people that want to change it to their own ideals.

Being a mystery country is what we do best. To keep our location secret a lot of things are sent in from Miami, Florida to us that are claiming to be sent to Puerto Rico or Bermuda. Besides it all, I am from a normal country where the official language is English our currency is kanda for cents and Gerber for dollars. Our national anthem is Great Corpu Miber and national flag is a pentagon on a white background. The pentagon is divided into 5 equal triangles in colours representing the different states. Red for anchor, green for covenant, purple for kingdom, blue for serenity and yellow for tranquil.

I thought it would be important to state the unknown because I have great difficulty stating the obvious.

You know that one guy who was always a friend to you in your youth, and that was all it was supposed to be. This person has been with you since the pre-school days. You guys were the best of friends and everyone used to tease you about being romantically involved with him. As a young child, you could not always stand him and found him highly irritating and found him kind of ugly. He was 'just a friend'. Then puberty hit and he cleaned up nicely. Maybe puberty did not do everything it was supposed to do. You would always deny the possibility of you two being a couple but deep inside you knew you could see it happening. This is all despite the fact you come from completely different worlds, cultures, and races and could see a lot of people being against you guys ever falling in love. The biggest obstacle in the way is you. Your lack of faith is stopping you from thinking of a future with him. The true is that you can never please everyone. The sooner you learn it, the more you will enjoy life.

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