Chapter 16

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Last time I saw Lincoln was on New Year's but he said that he wants to hang out today. He does not want to tell me where we are going or what we will be doing. He says that he's got it covered. I don't know if I should be happy or worried. So to keep my mind occupied I decide to get ready. It's only 4pm and he is only coming to pick me up at 8. If I know how to be a girl the right way I should be able to use the time. What does he mean by hang out? That can't be too formal right? But we are going out in the evening? I don't want to be too keen or try too hard.

So I decide to wear a black and white striped t-shirt dress with black leggings and red ankle boots. Not to forget a clutch of some sort. I chose my red envelope bag to put some necessities. Yes, I am on my period. I usually hate anything that reminds me of it especially the colour. I loathe red during this time but something in the air feels different and I am probably high on whatever it is. Or it could be the result of inhaling the smell weed from the corridor. I am feeling confident so I am not wearing any make-up, it is not a club night out and I have nothing to conceal.

It is now 5 minutes to 8 pm and I see that as a sign to make my way down because he said he will be there at 8 on the dot. And he was never late and he knows how I hate lateness. As I get out the lift I receive a text from him. I see him outside the gate waiting for me. He is wearing a red shirt and jeans. Yes, it's a good thing I didn't go for a black dress and high heels. He looks to have gotten a new wheelchair like the automated version so you don't have to manually push.

"New wheelies? Wait, wheelies are those sneakers with wheels on the end that were popular when we were young and people would skid and slide everywhere they went. My mom hated them so much and vowed to never buy them and she never did."

Why am I babbling so much? Am I nervous? What is this?

"Yeah, thanks for the history lesson but I have to blindfold you for the whole secret thing to work. I will blindfold you in the car."

This car this boy speaks of is a limo. He was a gentleman by opening the door for me and allowing me to get in first. I wondered how he was going to get it. I was about to tap the driver to help him but it wasn't necessary. The limo was specially pimped up for him because it has a feature that brings out a mat for the wheelchair so that Lincoln can place it and hop into the car without a person having to do it because I know his stubbornness and wanting to do everything himself.

"It's about that time. Turn around please."

"Is this really necessary?"


I turn around and he ties the blindfold. Tight but not enough to bulge my eyes out. I turn back and the infamous questions follow.

"Can you see anything? How many fingers am I holding up?"

"I really can't see, so I wouldn't know how many fingers you are holding up."

After that, things fall silent in the car. I am now temporarily blind but my other senses are heightened so I can here and feel that the car is moving and we are on our way to the secret location. Lincoln is holding my hand and every now and again he strokes my hand with his thumb almost reassuring me that everything is going to be okay. He kisses my hand to seal the deal because we have arrived at our mystery destination. Because I can't see I am guided out the car.

The first thing I notice is that we seem to be outside in a grassy area. I don't know why we are outside at night. Where in the hell are we? Lincoln instructs me to hold on to the back of his wheelchair to lead me to where we are going. I feel a gush of warm air hitting my face. It took a few seconds to adjust and realise that it is not overbearing. I can tell that we are now indoors. I hear a chair being dragged out and Lincoln motions for me to sit down. I do as I am told and he goes and sits opposite me. He then said that I may remove my blindfold.

I can't help but let out a little yelp and not due to the excitement but because of who was standing next to me. I was scared off a little because I wasn't expecting a waiter in a fancy tuxedo. Lincoln and the guy couldn't help but to laugh at me but little did Lincoln know that I had a clap back of my own. Only if I could think of one. Maybe if I observe my surroundings I will be able to find it. We seem to be in a white tent but I can't make out where we are because I can't see through the translucent windows and it's really dark outside. There is a glass bowl in the middle of the table filled with water. There are floating candles present and red rose petals in the water. There were petals everywhere, on the table and on the floor leading to where we are. I feel a clap back coming along,

"Isn't it a little too early for Valentine's Day?" Not really one of my finest moments but I tried.

"It came early this year and I am trying to make up for all the years someone else might have done something like this for you. There is nothing more surprising than celebrating Valentine's Day a month and a day in advance."

Why is this boy like this? He is so annoying. His wit is always on point.

"Well, you are in luck there is no competition and no one has ever done something that even comes close to being as nice as this."


"Hahaha, really nice."

There is nothing Lincoln dislikes more than a person who uses the word nice as if he or she has the inability to use other adjectives. The evening turned out to be a 3-course meal. For starters, we had scallops, for the main course we had a leg of lamb with butternut, spinach and baby potatoes. For dessert, we had deep-fried Oreos and ice-cream. If I have not mentioned it before, I really LOVE Oreos. For drinks, we kept it simple and alcohol-free by having sparkling grape juice. I haven't told him about my alcoholic ways or experiences. I don't know how to tell him considering he was knocked out by an alcoholic driver for 5 years. Trying to pan out how that would go, knowing it would end with rejection at the end of our date. OMW, I am actually on a date. WTF, what is happening to me? I am stuffed and ready for the night to be over. I think Lincoln notices this too.

"The night is not over yet Lya. There is still more to see."

He grabs a hold of my hand and he suggests we go outside. Then it all becomes familiar. We are at the same place we were over 5 years ago. There was a table with a chocolate fountain, marshmallows, and skewers. This boy is trying to make me fat. Also on the table, there is a generous bouquet of red roses. Attached to the bouquet is a Questions Chocolate. You write a question of your choice on the label and a person can either answer yes or no by the selection of chocolate given to the person who asked the question. I couldn't see what the question was on the label. I asked Lincoln to go ahead and say it.

"My question is simple. Lya, will you be mine?"

I mean after the night I have had and the way Lincoln has been good to me, maybe a little bit too good. I am stalling; I should give him an answer. It's like a flashback of everything wrong just went through my mind and Mrs Abrahams request for me to only be with Lincoln as a friend kept ringing in my head so it led me to make a decision.


Now I have broken two hearts in a day. 

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