Chapter 4

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It is recess time and I seem to be on lock down. Luckily I did not fail my Economics exam but now I am kind of wishing I did because I am tired of being in prison. If I failed I would have set my recess back by 2 weeks. The way the recess this side of the world works is that instead of getting a 3 month summer holiday season, it is split up and is 4 months of vacation. One of the major reasons for that too is that it's summer all year round here. Every 3 months you get a 2-week vacation and every 6 months you get a month and a half long vacation.

My mom does not want me to go anywhere and questions every time I want to leave the house. In res, no one cares where you go. As long as you are back at 2 am to use the front door entrance. This is to avoid the start of using the code because only the seniors are entitled to the code. If you do come back after 2 am, you just have to take a long way round and enter at the back entrance of the residence. My mom feels because I have not been home for a relatively long time, I should want to be home all the time. Even when I was living at home full-time, I did not want to be there all the time. I did not leave home and study far away to be at home all the time.

After leaving home for varsity, you only enjoy being home the first two days. You get treated like a guest with no responsibilities because everyone missed you and they feel bad for your current living conditions from being away from home. You lose the weight you have been trying to keep off and everyone thinks that you have been starving yourself at res because noodles have become your daily routine. Then your family believes that you are not being fed properly. In most of my friends' cases, relatives notice how much weight they have gained and feel really down about it. Some of my other friends' relatives see weight gain as a sign of being happy or enjoying the independent life. Then you overstay your visit as a guest at home after the first two days of being home and you have to pay your dues and start doing chores.

The perk of staying at home for recess is that I don't have to pay for anything. I do not have to worry about my dumb student budget and run out of money when you're only halfway through the month. Not everyone can be a Mercedes and get G4000 (4000 Gerber) a month. And you give yourself the same 'saving money' speech every month in hope that one day you will actually save the money you intend on saving. As you know I do not like to splurge so when I am out of money, I am just being cautious and feeling I have gone over my G100 limit for the day.

Since I have been home I have been eating real food; nothing beats good old homemade food. You really miss home food, when you eat rice almost every day for 6 months. All those carbs really put into perspective why so many people have gained weight. It is a good thing I got tired of it in the first month and tried alternative foods. Variety is a luxury you miss in canteen food. Even flavours are something seriously lacking in cafeteria food. That is why for my birthday I really appreciated the expensive restaurant we went to with my sister mom and me because I really appreciate good food more now. I also really just wanted to go to a steakhouse because if I ate any more chicken, I could have turned into one.

It was great catching up with high school friends, but you realise how much you all have changed and not as close as you used to be. Then you become closer to people you would least expect to be close with like the friends I have made at varsity because they were not the girls I would have ever been friends with because they were the type of girls my mom would have told me to stay away from. In all honesty, most of us become the people we once swore we would never be. I feel leaving school makes you less stuck up and more accepting of different people.

Distance really makes people change. Most of my high school friends still stay at home and I feel my level of maturity has surpassed them by a lot. Because being far away from home forces you to grow up and move on with your life. It is a lot easier for the remaining friends to see each other more frequently because they are all in close proximity of each other.

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