Chapter 11

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Before I open my eyes this morning I think about the great decision I have made.

The goal of the day: Go and see Lincoln.

I twist and turn in my bed but I notice how it seems to be much bigger than usual. I then shoot up eyes up and notice that it is not my room. It is not Kendz's room either. Where am I? Who did I go home with last night? I hope it is not one of Josh's friends. Why are some of my clothes on the floor? I am starting to panic. There is no one in the room so I start to quickly put my clothes back on. I need to get the hell out of here. I can't find my bag anywhere in the room. I hope Mercedes has it. I double check under the bed just in case it could be there.

"Leaving already?"

That shocked me so much I bumped my head against the bed.

"I did not mean to frighten you, Lynn."

"Well, you did..."

I turn around to see who it is. It would be awkward if I can't remember the guy of the one night stand because he knows my name. It could be one of the guys from last night who bought Mercedes and my drinks. The guys were hot but I don't think I should have been wasted enough to go home with any of them. I could have been drugged. Why me? I thought Mercedes would have stopped me from going because she knows how I feel about one night stands. Yet again, she feels that I need to get laid. I really hope she is okay wherever she is.

"...Conrad! You sound different."

"Yes, it's me. Who else would it be? I must admit my morning voice is a bit raspy. I stepped out to go get coffee and muffins for us and I did not want to wake you."

"What exactly happened last night because I am not really sure?"

"You really don't remember?"

"No, I don't. That is why I am asking you."

"It started by me seeing you at the club. You were quite drunk. We both were. We greeted each other with kisses, like we usually do if we are drunk enough. You wanted to stop kissing so we did and you disappeared into the crowd to go find your friends. You couldn't find them and then you thought it would be okay to kiss again. So we did. To be honest I lead you on because I would hold you and pull you in and you would give in. After an hour of not locating your friends' whereabouts and no personal belongings to your name, you decided to give up. I was not in the mood for staying and wanted to leave. I also wanted to make sure you got back safely to your residence. That did not help because you could not remember the code and you did not have your access bracelet because you haven't collected it from your res president this semester. I did not want to leave you stranded so I offered for you to crash at my place. You were very stubborn and did not want to come with me. I started to walk away. You eventually tagged along. That is basically what happened."

"It does not explain why I was half-naked in your bed."

"We obviously had sex and it was amazing. I can't believe you can't remember that part of it."


"Okay, I am just kidding."

"You can't joke about things like that."

"Loosen up."

"Being tied up and legs on lock down are what I prefer. And don't you dare turn my statement against me."

"Jokes aside, I know and understand how serious you take sexual issues. When we got here you sat on the couch and refused to sleep in my bed. So I said I would sleep on the couch and you take my bed. Because I said that, you kissed me. I don't know why. We started making out and things starting heating up quickly. You stopped everything when I laid you down on the couch. And you admitted that you couldn't go through with everything. I respected that and you went into the bedroom to sleep. I went in 5 minutes later to get an extra pillow and blanket and you thought I was being ridiculous for not sleeping next to you when there was enough space for the both of us. You pulled me to get in with you. I got in but I kept my distance. I even built a pillow fort which you demolished by the way. You wanted me to hold you. I thought you were bluffing but you were serious. You grabbed my arms and put them around you. You were already half-naked at that time. It was so hard to try not to jump you. You explained that you are used to sleeping with minimal clothing. I thought you were crazy. You dared me to try it. So I did and you still wanted us to cuddle. Then we fell asleep in each other's arms."

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