Chapter 9

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Lincoln may remember a lot of things from the past but the accident is not something he seem to remember. He keeps digging for answers and I have noticed it because of his behaviour. He has read countless newspaper articles and even managed to get a bag with some of the evidence recovered from the accident scene. The thing that interests him the most is a plastic sunflower. I think he does not realise that I know that he has been up to all of this in the past few weeks. I have not said anything but I feel the need to bring it up because I don't like confrontation but I love being the instigator. I take out the accident pack he has been hiding and confront him about it.

"I know you have been Inspector Gadget the past few weeks."


"Are you sure you are ready to hear everything leading to the accident?"

"Yes...I am sure."

"Oh, my word. That was your first sentence. The baby is growing up."

"Not funny."

"It kinda is."

" baby."

"Yes, you are a baby."

"I know...the truth."

"Allow me to come back tomorrow and I will explain everything I know to you."


I walked back to res feeling very uneasy. I went straight to my room and lay in bed looking at the ceiling searching for answers I could not find. I did a lot of soul-searching. I had to visit a lot of things I buried in my past. It was so intense that the tears started rolling to the sides of my face without control.

"What's up with you?"

"What, huh? Nothing."

"There is obviously something bothering you, so spill."

"It's life hitting me all at once."

"It is obviously a guy, only a guy could make a girl stare at a ceiling and cry like you are doing. I also noticed you did not go and fetch your dinner at the cafeteria."

I don't know if my roommate is being genuine but I almost want to sit up in shock for every showing even the slightest of concern for me. This moment allows for me to open up. 

"You know when you never liked a guy that liked you. Then you start liking him but not sure if he feels the same way about. You find out he feels the same way about you but have to come clean to him about your past and you are not sure if he will still feel the same way."

"No, I don't know. I haven't personally experienced it. But, if this guy does genuinely like you, he should still like you after your skeletons in the closet has been revealed."

"Thanks, roomie."

This is probably the first real conversation my roommate and I have had. What is happening to me? I usually have better control over my emotions but lately, I have not been having the best of luck.


The next day didn't help to calm my nerves. I could not sleep last night due to thinking all night and trying to pan out how this day was going to play out. The weather in front of me was definitely dampening the situation. There were thick grey clouds signalling a storm approaching. The weather tied a knot in my stomach and the only way to fix it was to be completely honest with Lincoln. As I walked in the room thunder and lightning struck almost commanding me to get on with the story.

"It is now my turn to share my side of the story. Where do I begin? There is only the beginning. It is the 8th grade in June. It is just after school after the final school bell of the day has rung. At lunch break, you asked me to wait for you after school and meet you outside the back of your classroom building. You were in the best class because it was a corner classroom, making it bigger and was the closest class to the recess field. So I went there after school and stood against the brick wall. I waited for you a while. You finally appeared, rushed and out of breath. You must have thought I was not going to wait for you that long.

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