Chapter 7

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The three week wait was over and it was hospital visit day. Last time I came here to visit Lincoln I must have seemed to be on auto pilot and did not pay attention to my surroundings for the good reasons. I only saw the bad and death around the corner. When you do give the hospital a chance, it is not as horrible as it may seem. There is a sense of hope and healing. Malona advised me to go visit Lincoln in the morning visiting hours in the hours of 6 to 8 a.m. because her mom does not visit Lincoln during that time. She also said that she cooked up a story to convince the nurses to let me in.

I was feeling so nervous and scared and almost pulled out last minute but I decided that I am no longer running. It is time to grab the bull by the horns and face my fears. When I got to the reception area I found the same young bitter lady sitting by the desk. She asked for who I was going to see and for my full name. I can't believe that she does not remember me. I do look less shady and trashy so maybe it is a good thing she does not recall who I am. It is not like a lot of people come to visit Lincoln anyway. She probably feels it is not her job to keep track of the people's faces that come into the hospital.

My shock is valid because this hospital is highly specialised. It deals with diseases of the incurable. And also it being in somewhat of a remote country like mine (Corpumiber) only a few people know about it. Even if patients all around the world are brought in here, they are cured but made to 'forget' their experiences in this country and shipped back home. No one knows exactly how people are made to forget but the doctors and government definitely play a major role in it. All the person can recall is being sick, then miraculously healed. So it's not like people flock into this hospital every day.

"Your name? Full name."

"Lydia Brown"

"You are the mystery girl Lincoln has been waiting to see? He is probably asking for a death wish."

I don't know if I imagined the last sentence of the statement she made because she did say it under her breath. She is somewhat rude but there is no need for me to stoop to her level to get even.

"Yes, ma'am"

I have nothing else to say. I was taught that if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. This advice has definitely carried me through to the point where when it is necessary to say something important, I have also shut up.

I then make my way to the elevator and press the up button.

"You are the reason that boy is awake. Maybe if you came sooner, he would have been alive a long time ago." I wanted to reject what the lady was saying but the elevator had arrived and she was gone. Maybe it is tea time for her? Or did I imagine something that manifested into reality?

The hospital has moved Lincoln because he is no longer in a coma to room C-11. He is part of the living. I am thinking about how I have changed and how he must have changed. I started being such a girl and feel self-conscience about my appearance. I also started doubting if he would really be happy or willing to see me. What if, the name thing was so that he can face the girl who broke his heart by saying, or in his case, writing hurtful things because of a grudge he has? Or that he wants to make my life a living hell?

It was too late to back down now because the elevator has stopped and the doors are opening a gate of insecurity and unanswered questions which really did not help the situation I am in. I ask a nurse to direct me to his room, but when I get there another nurse is coming out of his room and shutting the door. She informs me that he has just fallen asleep again and she does not think it would be a good idea for me to interrupt him because he has been having insomnia problems lately. If I had been asleep for 5 years I would never want to sleep again because I have missed half a decade of life and have a lot of catching up to do. Maybe he fears that falling asleep because he might not wake up again, I would have the same fear.

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