Chapter 13

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Finally, after 8 weeks, I finally get enough courage to go and visit Lincoln. I am getting my ducks in a row. It wasn't like I was avoiding him. A lot of things I had previously committed myself to made me delay more and more every day. And I wanted to study because exams are just around the corner and I really want to be part of the people that pass their first year at varsity.

To ease things over, I thought of bringing him a gift. I thought of buying him the usual flowers but I thought it was unoriginal and unnecessary. Maybe a plant flower that lasts for a long time would be better. I know I am going against my whole thing of buying a useful item. Then I thought of an orchid but my budget did not allow it. I settled with buying a cactus, a notepad with a silver sunflower pen and finally an adult colouring book with pencil crayons. It may seem like a lot but the long term cost of everything together was not nearly as much as buying a bouquet of flowers that would last at most a week.

Reasons for the gifts:

Cactus: things may not be easy around the edges, may suck each other dry sometimes but we will be friends forever. Let me change that statement a little because it could be perceived wrong on many levels. There has been the distance between us for a few years. Like a cactus doesn't run out of water, our friendship has lasted.

Notepad and pen: to practice the new and improved writing skills you have acquired and sunflower theme because of the past

Colouring book and crayons: release your inner child; we have been friends probably since we learned how to colour. Just because we are getting old doesn't mean we can't still have fun. Maybe now we will finally be able to appreciate art.

I am going over the speech I am preparing to give Lincoln but I am interrupted by a boy child who is whining. There aren't usually children in the waiting area. The child is with his dad. He's dad is trying to cheer him up by blowing raspberries on his stomach. Maybe the child's mom is the one in the hospital or maybe she is visiting a relative. It's really cute that the dad is keeping him occupied and stopped him from crying. Now I have to go back on track to what I was doing in the first place.

"Lya? I mean Lydia. Is that you?"

That voice does seem familiar. I have to stop in my tracks again and turn to my left to pay attention to the voice of some guy calling me. Oh no. It's Mr. Hottie in the flesh.


I wish I could say he became a fat loser with a dead-end job because of being a high school dropout. Maybe I had to wait 10 years for that to happen. But no, he is doing well for himself working in the family business. He has to work his way up so he can one day claim the CEO position of the music recording company. All of that is great except the part of being a teen dad. He seems to have it all under control.

Now I am trying to understand what I ever saw in him. Who am I kidding? He is looking hotter than ever. He is just wearing a plain white vest and straight-cut jeans with sneakers and he still looks like a famous actor, ready for his close-up. I am chatting to him now but I am trying to figure out who the mother of the child is by looking at the child for a clue. The child has blonde hair. Definitely didn't get the hair from Raphael. If memory serves me right he was last with my ex-best friend whoring Britney. She is probably with Lincoln right now. That girl needs to give all her sexual orifices (openings) a break.

"Excuse me, Raphael. I must be on my way. It was nice seeing you and meeting your son."

I am now power walking to Lincoln's room before Britney casts a spell on him and works her charms. It's a fact that she can get anybody and I have seen it happen before. I can't let it happen again. I barge in the door to find,

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