Chapter 4-Attention Seekers

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Draco remembered how in Dumbledore's office last year he'd said he'd never Floo again. However, he found himself using the Floo to reach Platform Nine and Three-Quarters at Kings Cross Station. Draco's parents believed he was old enough to get on the Hogwarts Express by himself and that was exactly what he was doing.

He was finally on board and in a compartment with his friends Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, and Adrian Pucey, and the train had taken off when he realized that he never saw Potter and his pet Weasel board the train. He looked out the window and saw...a blue flying object he'd learned was a car. The car suddenly disappeared.

"Stupid attention-seeking brats," Draco muttered.

"What's the matter?" Theo asked.

"Potter and Weasley are currently flying a car to Hogwarts because they missed the train."

"Good one," Adrian commented.

"I'm not joking; you'll see when we get to school."

Draco pretended not to notice when Blaise gave the other two a look that meant "Don't say anything".

Suddenly, Draco got up and excused himself to the bathroom. He didn't actually have to go so he just stood in the last compartment in solitude to think. Why were all of the Weasleys except for Potter's friend on the train? Clearly it wasn't the family that was late. The Weasel must've been with Potter, and...damn Dobby! He'd gone "saving" Potter's life again.

This was soon confirmed when Dobby appeared with a crack in front of Draco.

"Dobby!" Draco whisper-yelled. "Why are you here? How did you get here? How did you even know I was here?"

"Dobby can apparate to wherever or whoever he wants, sir," the house elf replied.

"Please tell me you didn't try to save Potter."

"Dobby would obey, but he would be lying, sir. Dobby closed the gate into Platform Nine and Three-Quarters."

"Stop trying to save his life! He's going to end up pitying you and freeing you, even though you already are free!"

"Excellent idea, sir. Then Draco Malfoy shall not have to worry about being caught for freeing Dobby."

Draco thought about this. Could Dobby be right? This did seem like a good idea.

"You know what, Dobby?" Draco finally said. "You're right. Just please don't show up to see me again. You could get us both caught. If I was still in my compartment right now, we'd both be in trouble."

"Yes, sir!" With that, Dobby apparated away.

Draco, who was sitting down now, took a deep breath, stood up, and walked out of the compartment.

Unfortunately, he walked right into Granger.

"What are you doing here, Malfoy?" she asked.

Draco sneered at her. "You don't have to know everything." He walked away before she could say anything else, but then doubled back.

"Oh, by the way, your so called 'friends' are currently flying a car to school."

Then he really did walk away before she could reply. He returned to his compartment where Blaise jokingly greeted him, "Upset stomach, mate?"

"Shut it. I just ran into Granger."

The four talked for a moment about Quidditch and things when Draco noticed something in front of the train.

It was the same blue car! He quickly opened the window and stuck his head out and saw Potter and Weasley turn around with frightened faces and saw (but didn't hear) them scream. They quickly got their car off the tracks before the train passed over the place they just were.

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