Chapter 9-Chatting with Dumbledore

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Draco practically raced to the Headmaster's office the next day after study hall. Only when he approached the gargoyle did he realize that he was unaware of the password.

He was about to guess "Hogwarts" when Professor McGonagall arrived with Potter.

"What is it, Mr. Malfoy?" the professor asked.

"I have to see Professor Dumbledore," he replied.

"I am afraid it will have to be done another time."

"This is important."

She sighed. "Very well." Turning to the gargoyle, she said, "Sherbet lemon."

Sherbet lemon? What kind of a password was that? Draco shook his head and followed Potter onto the stairs as the gargoyle spun.

When he entered through the door, Potter called, "Dumbledore?" There was no reply so he walked up to the Sorting Hat. Draco remained behind and pretended to take interest in a book.

"Bee in your bonnet, Potter?"

Draco whirled around to see the Sorting Hat in conversation with Potter.

The boy who'd been addressed replied, "I was just wondering if you'd put me in the right house."

"Yes, you were particularly difficult to place. But, I stand by what I said last year - you would have done well in Slytherin."

Draco's eyes widened. Potter was considered to be in Slytherin?

"You're wrong," the Gryffindor said. Suddenly, he turned his head to a red bird. Draco recognized this as a phoenix. Wait. Wasn't this the phoenix whose tail feather was currently in Draco's wand?

Then the bird caught fire, which caught Draco's attention, and he walked over to the bird.

"Harry? Draco?"

The two boys looked up to find Professor Dumbledore on a staircase.

"Professor!" Potter exclaimed. "Sir, your bird - there was nothing I could do. He just caught fire!"

"It's a phoenix, Potter," Draco told him.

"A what?"

"He's been looking dreadful for days," Dumbledore said. "Pity you had to see him on a burning day. Fawkes is a phoenix, Harry. They burst into flame when it is time for them to die, and then they are reborn from the ashes."

Dust swirled around the pile of ashes and a gray bird lifted its head.

"Ah," Dumbledore admired, "fascinating creatures, phoenixes. They can carry immensely heavy loads, and their tears have healing powers."

The door burst open and in walked Hagrid. He said, "Professor Dumbledore, sir! Wait! Listen! Professor Dumbledore, sir, it wasn't Harry!"

"Hagrid-" the Headmaster tried.

"In fact, I'd be prepared ter swear it in front o' the Ministry of Magic!"

"Hagrid! Relax. I do not believe that Harry attacked anyone."

"Well, of course you don't, and...oh...oh, right. Well, I'll, um- hum. I'll just wait outside, then."

Draco chuckled at the big man's reaction. So that's why Potter was here - there's been another attack.

"You don't think it was me, Professor?" Potter asked.

"No, Harry. I do not think it was you. But I must ask you, is there something you wish to tell me?"

After a moment's hesitation, Potter answered, "No, sir. Nothing."

Dumbledore, looking disappointed, nodded, and said, "Very well, then. Off you go."

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