Chapter 7-Dobby Returns...Again

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Slytherin was leading ninety to thirty, and the game was very intense. The Slytherin team fell into v-formation and flew around half the Quidditch pitch in victory of the last goal before heading to their positions.

Draco flew next to Potter and called, "Alright there, Scarhead?"

Suddenly, a Bludger flew out of nowhere and almost got Potter. Wood told him to watch out, but the Bludger came back and snapped off half of Wood's broom. Potter began flying away fast, but Draco realized it was because the Bludger wouldn't leave him alone.

Watching Potter flying around like that was quite amusing, so when the latter came to a rest, Draco asked him if he was training for the ballet.

Suddenly, there was a buzzing noise and as soon as Potter's eyes went over Draco's right shoulder, so did Draco's eyes. However, before either could grab it, the Bludger swooped over Potter's head and almost into Draco's, who ducked as well. The snitch was still visible, but it was farther away now, so both Seekers flew after it.

Draco shoved Potter aside and flew under the pitch after the snitch. He could hear Potter behind him, and then the Bludger broke something off.

Draco looked back, and Potter passed him, only to be caught up to again. The two flew neck in neck and whizzed past some first year Gryffindor with a camera.

Suddenly, the Bludger was in front of them and they both barely scraped by it. Draco hoped it was gone, but then it came through the side and was directly in front of Potter. As he swerved, Draco pulled up. He'd catch the snitch from above if he had to.

Unfortunately, the snitch came up too, meaning that Potter and the Bludger followed it. Draco zoomed forward and passed Potter when the Bludger hit the Gryffindor's arm.

He finally curled his fingers around the golden ball and heard Lee Jordan say, "Draco Malfoy has caught the snitch! Slytherin wins!"

Unfortunately, Potter stole the show by falling and having the Bludger almost slam into him several times until Granger, now closer to Potter, pointed at the ball and yelled, "Finite Incantatum!"

The ball exploded and Weasley and Granger rushed forward with Hagrid, the gamekeeper, as Draco was congratulated by his friends.

"What's happened to Potter?" asked Adrian, who had joined the team as Chaser.

"I dunno," Draco answered. "Let's go take a look."

The two of them, followed by Blaise and Theo from the stands, walked over to where Lockhart was sitting down next to Potter with a wand over his arm.

"Brackium emendo!" he said.

Potter's arm glowed blue for a bit, then Lockhart took his arm and held it up. The arm flopped and Potter looked horrified. There were groans of disgust.

"Ah, yes, well, ha, that can sometimes happen, um, but- uh, the point is, uh-" Lockhart bended Potter's hand back all the way and this elicited several more groans and a chuckle of Draco's amusement.

" can no longer feel any pain," Lockhart continued, "and, heh- very clearly, the bones are not broken."

"Broken?" Hagrid said. "There's no bones left!"

Potter's arm flipped back and Lockhart said, "He's much more flexible, though."

Draco snickered at that, and so did Theo.


Potter was going to have to regrow his bones meaning that he would have to stay in the Hospital Wing that night. So Draco figured that once everyone had gone to sleep, he would go there to confront the other boy about hearing voices.

Draco Malfoy and the Chamber of Secrets (BOOK 2 of 7)Where stories live. Discover now