Chapter 13-Into the Chamber

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Harry and Ron raced down to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, taking Lockhart with them. When they got there, Myrtle was, well, moaning. She saw them and said, "Who's there? Oh! Hello, Harry!" That was too flirtatious for Harry's comfort.

"Ron," the ghost acknowledged next, in a bored voice. "What do you want?" This was addressed to the two of them.

"To ask you how you died," Harry replied.

"Oh!" she squealed. "The most handsome boy asked me that not too long ago."

Harry frowned (at the fact that someone else might've known what was going on, not the "most handsome" part) and asked, "Who was it?"

"I don't know. He didn't say his name. Anyway, my death was dreadful!" Myrtle proceeded to tell them the exact story she'd told Draco, who by now, had appeared in the lavoratory with the silenced rooster still moving its beak.

Draco was smirking; the ghost, although she was creepy, had called him the most handsome boy. After she was done with her story, she floated away, moping.

Potter started examining the sink that Moaning Myrtle had pointed to and after a moment, he said, "This is it. This is it, Ron. I think this is the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets."

Weasley replied, "Say something. Harry, say something in Parseltongue!"

So Potter did, and all of the sinks split apart, the one with the engraved snake sinking below the floor.

"Excellent, Harry," Lockhart said. "Haa! Good work! Well then, I'll just be, ah...there's no need for me to stay." He made a beeline for the exit to the bathroom, but the two Gryffindors blocked him.

"Oh, yes there is!" Potter said. The two of them pointed their wands at Lockhart as Potter said, "You first."

"Now, boys what good will it do?"

"Better you than us," Weasley said.

Unsure, Lockhart slowly turned around. "Sure you don't want to test it first?" he asked, but Weasley shoved him down the...whatever it was that Draco couldn't see from his hiding place.

Seconds later, Lockhart could be heard saying, "It's really quite filthy down here."

Potter said, "Alright. Let's go."

"Oh, Harry?" Three heads snapped to see Myrtle floating in front of her stall. "If you die down there, you're welcome to share my toilet."

Draco lost it. Fortunately, he was capable of controlling his laughter so that it wouldn't be heard.

Potter mumbled a "thanks" and jumped in, Weasley in tow. Draco rushed forward, held the cage in front of him, and followed.

He laughed as the two Gryffindors screamed their heads off. When he got out, Potter and Weasley, who were pointing their wands at Lockhart, spun around to see him.

"Uh, Lockhart, you're right," Draco said as he got up from the bone-scattered floor. "This place is filthy."

"You?" Weasley stepped forward accusingly.

"Yes, me. I've known about this for about, I don't know, a few months, perhaps?"

"Of course! You're the heir of Slytherin, aren't you?"

"Don't be ridiculous, Weasley. If I was the heir, I would've known for longer than that. Also, I wouldn't be trying to fix this." Draco was counting the reasons on his fingers and after a short pause, he added, "And I can't talk to snakes."

"He's lying!"

"I guess now wouldn't be a good time to mention that I was in the library with Granger before she was Petrified."

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