"Listen up, men!" The leader-in-command spoke as each man grew silent and paid their respect by doing what was requested. "We go north tomorrow and are forced to be guards to the Queen. I expect nothing but the best from my men as we will be showered in gold, ale, and women-" The men cheered at the last reward, all except Dawson. Even though it had been half a year, the wound was still fresh in Holly's departure. He saw her everywhere he turned, even in battle, and had not had a good nights sleep since it happened. But he knew there was nothing he could do but avenge her. In any way he could.
By first dawn, the men were dressed and ready to march North, stopping for no beggar and hellbent on arriving at the earliest time available. Making it somewhat early, about a half an hour until midday, they marched inside as Dawson felt a familiarity of this place. The interior used to be an ivory and gold combination, and was now crimson and tan, with very small accents of white.
For what felt like an eternity, they stood in the throne room, waiting to be introduced to the King. When he emerged, his eyes had lied directly onto Dawson as he gave a surprised expression. This was the man who he had made the deal with. The man who stormed the castle and technically killed the love of his life. Although he was unaware of his actions, Dawson still resented him, but acted as though his occupation controlled him.
"I see you have the best soldiers in all kingdoms...and I understand that you know the delicate condition of my dear wife...she has been ill for about a month...we fear she may not many moons left. It is suggested by some she could have been poisoned...and for that...we are asking to be guarded by only those who will fight against the devil himself if it comes to it."
"We shall." They all spoke in unison as it echoed throughout the entire castle. The men were then posted where they were needed as Dawson was left with the King.
"You did not allow me the pleasure to know you were the King."
"At the time you came to me, I was not. I was the king-to-be. My brother's death had sent me to my current position." He paused. "I do owe you a great lot...if not for you...the Auvere estate would continue to rule us all." He continued before Dawson could chime in. "I do have a gift for you..."
"I thank you, but I do not desire anything. There is nothing left to care for."
"Not even Nicholas Auvere?"
His attention was now firm on the King.
"You have him? He survived?"
"The fire..."
"Yes. We pulled him out after he was unconscious. He begged and offered money...but after taking his house, my brother fell ill...and therefore-I am now King."
"The same fire that took my woman..." He gritted his teeth as the events of holding her in his arms played out.
"Yes...well...that is the most unfortunate..." He looked to the door before turning on his heel back in the direction he came. "You may not enter, but guard with your life. Do you understand?"
Dawson nodded. "If you wish, you may go to Nicholas whenever you desire to do so. I would say you have earned it. And if I can do anything to aide the pain of losing your beloved, do not hesitate to seek it."
He bowed with a polite nod before being left to guard the door.
The first few hours drug on as sounds of flying birds and servant's whispers were heard. Night came like a sudden bandit, making each man tired. Yawning and fighting to stay awake, they had went to change shifts-while Dawson was determined on his post. Eight hours and counting, he lingered with little to no movement.
A sudden crash was heard within the room as he called out.
"Your majesty?"
A groan was all that returned as a response when he called out a handful of times. Seeing no one else around, he went into the room and saw the woman upon the floor. Pulling her up, he glared, unable to believe his eyes.

RomanceThe year is 1786. Holly Miller is a sixteen year old bride to the son of the most powerful family in all of Seralake. Imaging her life to be a perfect string of bliss, she is truly mistaken and quickly discovers the secrets of the Auvere family. Stu...