Chapter Forty One

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By the time Nicholas heard from those planning to take down the palace, Dawson and Holly had been on worse terms then before. The only time they spoke to one another was with a cold shoulder and often asking the other of Nicholas or their plans. They often shot one another glares-especially Dawson to Holly when she was around Nicholas. Sensing this, she acted as though she was touched by Nicholas in some forgiving way-looking to see Dawson's glare in their direction.

Hearing word that half agreed to give their support, Dawson began searching for those who could help with things such a weapons, refuge, and healing purposes if things were to escalate worse. Holly entered the room he had been writing his own letters in as she looked at him for a long moment-admiring his focused expression against the candlelight. Even angered at him, she was still terribly drawn to him-despite the wrath they had against one another. As he sealed the final letter with his wax and makeshift seal, he turned and gave her a forlorn expression.

"Is there something I can help you with?"

"I was curious of what was next. What is to be done now?"


She gave a soft look of confusion with her brow gently scowling towards him. "There must be something to be done...A kingdom is not able to be defeated without progress..."

"I should clarify...There is nothing left for you to do. I am having you ride to a convent."

Her eyes went wide as he left her in his room before brushing past her and entering the night air.

"I am not going there!"

"It is the safest place for you."

"I don't give a damn about safe! I ran with you because I trust you-"

"So trust my decision. I cannot protect you and defeat the King. Thousand of soldiers and my focus would be on you. I would be impaled within seconds. My love for you makes everything else come secondary-it is dangerous in a battle."

Her lips turned into a small curved smirk.

"You continue to love me?"

He glared, biting the inside of his cheek before letting out a nervous laugh.

"You claim to be able to see in his eyes the truth, yet you question my heart when it comes to you?"

"I can see..." She leaned into him. "That you have never ceased your love for me...even when I disappointed you at the furthest extent that one could. I cannot see however...why your attitude towards me has changed? As of yesterday you loathed the sight of me, glaring at me-"

"At him."

"Not speaking to me for more than half a tick of a clocked second..."

"I realized that my feelings for you are nothing but intense. It is as if comparing a rose to a cause me pain by your thorns...yet, are exceptional and draw me in in every way."

"Have you forgive me?"

"I had the moment I saw you again. I was angered by the fact that did not wish to be with me...that you were planning to run for what I had done-I was more angry at myself than you...angry that-"

Dawson ceased, moving his eyes around in the dark, while keeping his hand on the dagger that was located at his side.

"Get back to the inn."


"Now." Just as he spoke she gasped as a figure appeared from the shadows. Two men, both wielding weapons had emerged while a third ran into the inn. Holly watched as Dawson claimed them both with his dagger, knocking them unconscious and then pulling then back into the line of the woods-to be dealt with by wolves. Moving into the inn, the sound of smashed pottery and glass could be heard as they entered their room to find the third man in a fight with Nicholas. Just as they had entered, the man overpowered Nicholas and impaled him with a piece of broken wood.

Holly watched as Dawson tackled the man and began fighting in hand-to-hand combat. Rolling back and forth, with the attacker gaining then quickly losing control, they both became bloodied messes until the man used a dagger hidden in his boot to stab Dawson. Holly rushed to his side to see the wound would be deep enough to scar, but not to kill him.

"We must get him to an alchemist."


"Science...and a little faith...I suppose."

"What about you?"

"I will get stitched up as well...we must move fast...or he will not survive the night."

She nodded as they carried him in their arms, holding his arms over their shoulders and dragging him through the village until finding horses. Riding somewhat far, they then moved towards an infamous location of a supposed alchemist-but they knew it was their only choice.

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