"Boy..." The alchemist called as Dawson and Nicholas were preparing to leave. "Come." Dawson kept a close eye on Nicholas as he followed the figure in the cloak until he was brought into a dark room lit only but fading candles. Books surrounded them, most caked with dust.
"Why have you brought me here?"
"Your companion...the girl...she did not leave on her own..."
"What do you mean? Please...tell me..."
"She was taken by men with fox furs upon them. They smelled of charcoal and blood...a good supply of both."
"Was she taken against her will?"
He nodded. "They had attempted to hide it, but I could see the fear in her eyes."
"Do you know where they took her? A direction? Anything?"
"I have something far better..."
The man brought out a book that was marked with a rose. Opening the page, he scrolled his finger to the middle of the page and tore it from the book. Taking a quill pen, he signed something upon the bottom and then went to shelf behind him and handed Dawson a vial.
"What is it?"
"What you hold, young man, is the only mixture in existence that can rid any disease known-or unknown to mankind."
"A potion?"
"We prefer the term "elixir"..."
"What am I to do with it?"
"This decree is to be brought to the man who has taken her. An elixir given by the most powerful alchemist in all kingdoms...will surely buy her freedom. The decree acts as a reassurance that the vial contains what it says to..."
"I have nothing to give you in return..."
"Protect her. One day...she will be the most powerful thing in this world."
"How do you know that?"
"Prophecy...although speculated by most to be faux...speak volumes of truth."
"What does it say of her?"
"That she holds the most powerful heart known to man, but also the most dangerous wrath."
"I must get to her...she has been through too much already...I still am unsure where to find her..."
"Men of the woods seem to linger in one home. Do you know where they live?"
"I do...thank you. If there is ever anything I can do-"
"Be sure she survives...above all else. No matter the cost to you." The alchemist's gaze fell to Nicholas as Dawson nodded.
"I thought we were traveling East..." Nicholas spoke with an aggravated tone.
"We have to get Holly."
"She ran from you in the dead of night...do you not understand what she is trying to tell you."
"The letter she left for me...it was in a shaky penmanship and the words used were...I just knew something was off about it..."
"So what do we do?"
"I have a trade for Raven."
Nicholas glared. "What can you possibly have that that man would want? You are a exiled soldier with nothing more than a price on your head."
Holding the vial in his hand, Dawson pushed it towards Nicholas. "I hold the cure to any disease between my fingers. They are not modern civilians who have access to doctors...they favor anything herbal and this is from the alchemist himself."
"I see...you believe a pesky potion is going to save her life?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Do you ever think why I had accepted your offer before? Why would a man who could marry the most beautiful woman, chose a commoner?"
"I truthfully thought you saw how beautiful she was."
"Indeed. Breathtaking...but not easing to attain...you know that." Dawson clenched his fists. "I chose her because she was a challenge. Women such as her do not exist in this world. She is chaste, not physically-but in every other sense of the word. She is an innocent in a world of monsters. Her blood controls everything they desire."
"Are you saying that they'll sacrifice her?"
"I am saying they will drain her...drink her blood as a sacrifice."
"You speak as though you care of her."
"I do. I regret how I treated her...my cruel ambition and selfish desires caused her such pain. I desire to make it right." As he spoke, Nicholas then became ill, catching himself on a nearby tree before coughing into a cloth. Upon pulling away, Dawson saw the cloth was stained with a red coloring.
"You are sick..."
"Very. Each day is worse than the one before..."
"Do you know what it is?"
"A curse of my blood...consumption."
"How did I neglect to notice it?"
"When you have allies, you have connections...ones that give you elixirs...I would have given anything for what is in your hand." Dawson looked at it before looking back to Nicholas. Nicholas then smirked. "Do not worry yourself...I have accepted this is my fate...I do not deserve a day past when I shall expire."
"You will have to forgive me if I do not fully accept your honesty."
"I would be worried if you did. I have decided to make things right. Dawson...she is a special woman...her heart is pure and her mind is tainted...she is dangerous and vengeful-but full of light and love. A woman like that is one to fight for-one to die for."
"I know."
"And I only want her to think well of me." Coughing once more, he continued on. "We better hurry...they use their sacrifices at midnight-when the moon is the highest..."
"How do you know?"
"My uncle was killed by Raven...I have my own vengeance to get upon him."

Storie d'amoreThe year is 1786. Holly Miller is a sixteen year old bride to the son of the most powerful family in all of Seralake. Imaging her life to be a perfect string of bliss, she is truly mistaken and quickly discovers the secrets of the Auvere family. Stu...