Holly anxiously awaited Dawson as she paced back and forth in the stables. In hopes of speeding up time, she moved to the nearby horses and began stroking their faces and backs until hearing footsteps approach. Pulling her hair to one side to better expose her neck, she moved back to find it was Nicholas. Standing with a look of intensity behind his eyes, he began to move closer towards her.
"What is it you need?" She asked, pushing herself up against the wall as she began to tremble.
"Your forgiveness."
She scoffed. "You saved my life, and I thank you for that. But I cannot sit here and forgive the fact you played into her scheme, Nicholas."
"I understand." Looking to the ground, he looked back to her. "I desired the crown above all else-it was my idea since the very first time she spoke to me. I would have then made you Queen...but you would not have been forced to do anything you did not wish to."
"And what would become of Dawson?"
"Whatever you asked of me, you would be granted it. Unfortunately, Vera is still reigning Queen and out for blood, she asked all her soldiers to scour each house, trench, and corner for you-it is only a matter of time until they discover you."
"By then, the truth will be discovered that I am alive and innocent against her supposed accusations."
"But you are not. You did kill the previous King and if anyone discovers that, they will have you beheaded without a second thought."
"You did not tell her?"
He shook his head. "Holly...I understand asking for forgiveness is seemingly idiotic as I do not deserve it. So all I will ask of you is to be safe. I want nothing more for you then to experience life as it is; pure and full of adventure."
"Why are you saying such things?"
"I do not have long...I can feel myself growing weaker and I regret so much of my life and although I tried to do the right thing, it ended with you in pain; both physical and otherwise. Please find it in your heart to forgive me someday."
"I forgive you as I would have done the same if given the chance. I do believe it is best to keep distance on one another. For both of our safety. If Dawson finds you with me, he will assume the worst."
"I understand. Thank you, Holly." He gently took her hand. "I am sorry I was never able to show you my genuine feelings towards you. Please understand that I regret my cruel actions against you and love you with the truest part of myself."
She brought her hand to his cheek. "I admire your humbleness, and I accept your apologies. I wish for you to have a long life, Nicholas. You deserve at least that."
He kissed the top of her hand before disappearing around the corner, leaving her with a deep exhale. Upon opening her eyes, she found a guard to come around the other corner. Her eyes came open as she stood still-praying that he had been an ally of hers. But alas, he lifted his hand to yell, but instead found her to hit him in the head with a stable tool. Knocking him to his knees as a small wound began to drip down his face, he looked to her with a glare.
"Savage." He murmured before being knocked unconscious by the tool once more. She threw the tool down as Dawson pulled her towards the gates of the castle-now unguarded from the manhunt for Holly.
As they made their way towards the gate, as he pushed it open and it gave an alarming squeak, she turned back and looked at the doors.
"No, Dawson."
"NO?" He gave her a look of genuine confusion. "What do you mean?"
"Running is no way to live a life."
"She will not let you within five feet without a sword through your stomach."
"The entire castle is out looking for me at this moment, and any servants who saw me would be grateful I am alive after the kindness and gratitude I have shown them."
"I will not let you go in there! You are asking to be killed."
"No, Dawson. I am asking for an end to this."
As she slipped through his grasp and ran inside the castle, she lingered on one end of the door, locking it from the inside.
"Don't do this." He begged on the other side.
"I love you." She spoke as her feet were heard scampering away. Dawson hit the door hard, causing a pounding sensation in his hand as he looked for another way in.
Holly scanned the entire castle as servants stopped with wide eyes, amazed to see her alive and well. Some were snickering as they believed the whispers, as others bowed as she passed. Eventually, she made her way towards the Queen's quarters, finding Vera standing near her window-her body positioned in the windowsill and a candle in her hand.
"I was wondering when you would try to end me." She spoke as she set the candle upon the windowsill and turned to Holly who was slightly out of breath, but determined.

Storie d'amoreThe year is 1786. Holly Miller is a sixteen year old bride to the son of the most powerful family in all of Seralake. Imaging her life to be a perfect string of bliss, she is truly mistaken and quickly discovers the secrets of the Auvere family. Stu...