Chapter 11

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Barrett's pov
"My brothers are four years old. " Zoey said to me
"Cute age." I said
"You like kids?" Zoey asked
"They're interesting. They see the world completely new. " I said
" When my brother Patrick first felt rain, he...Completely freaked out. He thought angels were crying or something like that? He thought it wasn't gonna stop, and we were all gonna drown." Zoey said
"See? Interesting. " I said
"Right. Um... I'm gonna go check on LeSean." Zoey said getting up and leaving.
"So where did you find this insulin?" Violet asked walking up to me
"In Principal Mitchell's fridge." I said
"Really? You didn't tell me you found anything when you were in his office." Violet said
"I hadn't when I talked to you." I replied
"Well, thank God you did." Violet said with a bit of sarcasm
Grover's pov
"I need to apologize to you guys." I said
"I'm sorry that I didn't tell anybody that Mary was bitten. I don't really know if I knew she was gonna turn into a freak, and I didn't want to admit it, or I just hoped she wouldn't, and... if I didn't say anything, it would all get better." I said
"I get that." LeShaen said
"I'm so sorry you Noodle" I said to noodle who was sitting with Mia on his lap.
"That's not your fault man." Noodle said
"It's not all on you grover, I could have said something but I didn't don't blame yourself" Mia said
"Guys, we got a problem." Diesel said running in the room
"Oh, God. What now?" Mia asked
"The water's out.....Everywhere." Diesel said
Mia's pov
"Should we tell them about the water in the drama costume room" I whispered to Noodle.
"Not yet. Not unless we need to." Noodle said
"I don't like lying to them" I said
"Neither do I, but if we tell them about the water someone's going to get more than the others and it's not going to be you or me. So we keep it a secret, drink as much as we need, than when everyone runs out of water we'll bring in ten bottles and say we found them around the school. Ok?" Noodle said
"Ok" I said sighing and looking down
"Hey look at me" noodle said lifting my chin making me look at him.
"You're my main priority. I'm not going to lose you and if we need to lie for my to be able to keep you alive I'm okay with that. Are you?" Noodle asked
"Yes, I'm not going to lose you either" I said
"Good" noodle said pecking my lips
"We should get back before people notice we're missing." I said
Natalie's pov
"Okay. Seven people. If we're careful, we'll have enough fluids to last us a couple of days." I said
"There's always the toilet." LeShaen said
"I'm not drinking out of a toilet." Zoey said
" We'll deplete our other sources first." Barrett said
Diesel's pov
"This is the pipe into the building right here." I said pointing to a building on the blueprint.
"And you're sure there's no place else?" Violet asked
"Positive. See, the problem's outside. It's probably like a broken water main somewhere, or a pumping station that's been messed up. So we can't fix the water from in here." I said
"Hey. We have another option." Grover said
"Yeah?" I said
"When they built the fallout shelter, they stocked it with gas masks. That means we can get the masks and the tanks and get out of here." Grover said
"If they're still there." I said
"50 years later. That's a big "if." Natalie said
"How are we gonna get the masks and the tanks if the shelter's filled with freaks." Mia asked
" Just need to figure out a way to get past them." Grover said
We know they're afraid of fire. We can rig flamethrowers somehow and scare the freaks back." Barrett said
"Flamethrowers? Come on, we can't use a flamethrower. It's gonna set off the entire school. I know what we do. We gas them." Violet said
"Brilliant. Um, just so you know, a gas that kills freaks will also kill anyone that goes into the shelter to get the masks." Barrett said
"Well, we're not going to kill them. We're going to put them to sleep long enough for us to get inside." Violet said
"We don't have any sleeping gas around." Barrett said
"Well, I can make some." Mia said
"You can make some?" Barrett questioned Mia
"You may not have heard but I'm really good with chemicals." Mia replied
"That's true" Noodle said
"My plan is more reliable." Barrett said
"Try more likely to get out of control." Violet said
"You're one to talk about a plan getting out of control." Barrett said
"If there's something you need to say, go ahead and say it." Violet said
"Do you really want that?" Barrett asked
"I want what's best for this group. And my idea is our best shot. So I'm not backing down. No matter what you have to say." Violet said
Violets pov
"You stood up to Barrett." Grover said to me once I was away from everyone else
"And he kept his mouth shut." I said
"So is your secret safe with him? Is he gonna tell anyone?" Grover asked
"He's just waiting to use it for maximum damage." I said
"Well, you did the right thing." Grover said
"For once. I'm sorry. About Mary. About letting you down." I said
"We've all done things in here we regret." Grover said
"I need some zip ties to pick the locks in the chemistry lab." I said
"Of course she knows how to pick a lock." Grover said
"What is that supposed to mean? I'm a felon?" I asked
"Ah, you've just got layers, that's all." Grover said
"Mm, of my criminal past?" I asked
"There's a lot more to you than just that." Grover said
"Violet" I heard my sister call from behind me causing me to stop.
"Um hey Grover do you mind if I have a moment with my sister" Mia asked
"No of course. I'll see you later Violet." Grover said walking away
"He sooo likes you" Mia said once Grover was out of hearing distance
"No he doesn't" I said
"Please he follows you around like a lost puppy" Mia said causing me to laugh.
"Okay, okay whatever. What was it you wanted Mia?" I asked
"Does Barrett know?" She asked
"Know what?" I asked
"About the bomb on Zane's car" Mia said
"Yes. He's gonna use it against me eventually" I said sighing
"Don't worry sis I've got ur back." Mia said
"Mia?" I asked
"Yeah" she said
"When you where gone Zoey said a few things that made me think and I just wanted you to know that even if I don't show it much I love you and I'm proud of you. You just remind me a lot of dad, sometimes it hard to be around you cause all I see is him." I said
"I love you too" Mia said pulling me into a hug, and this time I actually hugged her back instead of telling her to get off me.
"I know I'm a lot like dad. It's not my fault I'm fabulous." Mia said pulling away from the hug and flipping her hair.
"Oh.. Shut up" I said
"So do You think your plan's gonna work?" Mia asked me
"Oh, you mean the plan that I have that is so vague I don't know which gas I want you to make? Or if you have the supplies to make it? And a way to dispense it so it does works?" I asked
"That's the one." Mia responded
"Of course it'll work." I said
"Great. Tell me when you figure out what you want me to make" Mia said walking off.

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