Chapter 17

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Zoey's pov
"Do you have your phone?" I asked
"Yeah." LeShaen said
"Is it fully charged?" I asked
"Close enough." LeShaen said
"But you always say that it's almost always dead, so." I said
"I have it charged." LeShaen said
"Well, maybe we should just be sure and check." I said
"Hey. He shouldn't need to use his phone that much. It's unlikely he'd drain his battery." Barrett said
"Yeah, but what if he does? What if you find a signal and then your phone dies? You need to go out there with it fully charged." I said
"I'll be okay. I'm coming back. I promise." LeShaen said
"You can't promise that, you don't know." I said
"I promise."LeShaen said kissing
"Good luck, man." Noodle said coming out to say goodbye with Mia
"Be careful" Mia said
"Let's do it." LeShaen said
We opened the door LeShaen went out the door closing behind him and a freak coming to the door then following LeShaen
"No! No! No! Hey! No! LeSean! There's a freak behind him! Hey, get away from him! This way! This way! Away from him! LeSean, can you hear me? There's a freak behind you. It's coming right behind you! Hey! Hey! Hey!" Zoey screamed to LeShaen through the door before talking thorough the radio.
"Zoey stop he would have heard you. He probably can't talk it will attract the freaks." Mia said pulling me into a hug.
Natalie's pov
"I'm afraid of spiders. Everybody has something." I said to diesel trying to make him feel better
"What if LeSean doesn't make it?" Diesel said
"Don't this to yourself." I said
"If he dies, that'll be my fault." Diesel said
" You should focus on what you can do, and what you've done. You've protected us... all of us at one time or another. You built the barricades." I said
"Come on, anybody could do that." Diesel scoffed
"I know it sucks that LeSean had to take your place, but there's not much you can do about it now. Things don't always work out the way we want. " I said
"You know what I'd be doing right now if today were a normal day? I'd be prepping for a debate on this stage." I said
"Think you would've won?" Diesel asked
"The debate, yes. The election, no. But I should've won both." I said
"What do you mean?" Diesel asked
"I had a big list of things I wanted to get done if I were elected... big things down to little things like getting seating in the lobby." I said
"So when you're waiting to see the principal, you have a place to sit." Diesel said
"Or when you're waiting for your ride to get you." I said
"Uh, yeah, that." Diesel said
" It all seems so ridiculous now. Look at these seats. There might not even be enough students left alive to fill them." I said
"You waiting for a ride?" Diesel asked seeing me sitting on the couch he obviously moved to the lobby.
"You waiting to see the principal? " I asked
"I know you think it's a little pointless anyway, but..." Diesel said before I cut him off
"No. It's really sweet. Thank you." I said
"Did you move this yourself?" I asked motioning to the couch
"Yeah. Yeah, me and, uh, Lyle worked for a moving company last summer. You know, we learned all the tricks." Diesel said
"That sounds like a hard job." I said
"Well, you know, some people in the middle of moving get a little high strung. "Don't scratch the furniture, don't break the china"? Yeah, don't drink the beer. Don't take naps on the pool table." Diesel said
"That Lyle, right?" I asked
"If you say so." Diesel said
Mia's pov
"He's going to talk to you when he can Zo Zo I'm sure he's fine" I said comforting Zoey.
Just as I finished saying that we heard radio static. Zoey immediately picked up the radio
"Hello?" She said
"Zoe." LeShaens voice came through the radio
"What took you so long?" Zoey asked relieved
"You know, too many freaks around, I had to be quiet. I see emergency lights up ahead." LeShaen said
"Oh, my God. That's so great." Zoey said
"I'm gonna get closer." LeShaen said
"shit." LeShaen said
"What? What is it?" Zoey asked
"Paramedics are dead." LeShaen said
"LeShaen?" Zoey questioned
" All clear inside. I'm going for the radio. I see it." LeShaen said before we heard a growl and a groan
"Hey! LeSean! LeSean! LeSean! LeSean? Answer me. J-just say anything. Are you there?" Zoey said frantically.
"It's okay Zo Zo" I said
"Maybe he fought back. He's strong." Barrett said he is with me and Zoey.
"We haven't heard from him in three hours." Zoey said
"That doesn't mean anything" I said
"We can stay here and die from dehydration, or we can risk it and go out there and find water and find help." Grover said
"With no masks?" I asked
"We're out of options. Who's in?" Violet said
"I'm in." Diesel said everyone started to put their hands up
"We stick together, right?" Zoey says rising her hand after every else except me, but no one but Noodle noticed I didn't have my hand up. Noodle wrapped his arms tighter around my waist.
"Guys... want somebody to promise me something. If I ever turn freak or any of that shit, you'll end it." Diesel said
"I'll do it." Barrett said causing diesel to laugh.
"Yeah, you're the one person I know would. But seriously, I don't want to be left out in the open... okay? I want someone to bury me." Diesel said
"Now, that I'm not doing. Too much work." Barrett said
"That's fair enough." Diesel said
"Okay. When I bury you, what do you want on your grave?" Grover asked
"Dirt." Diesel said
"And on your headstone?" Violet asked
"I don't know, just the basics. My name, when I was born, when I died." Diesel said
"What would you want on your grave?" Zoey asked Barrett
"His is gonna be shaped like a... big dollar sign." Diesel said
"No, it wouldn't. It would be several dollar signs." Barrett said smiling causing everyone to laugh expect me
"Mia are you ok" Zoey asked
"I can't, I'm sorry" I said running away.
Zoey's pov
"Holy shit." I said seeing a man outside knocking on the door.

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