Chapter 12

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Mia's pov
"What's wrong?" Noodle asked
"What? Nothing" I said
"Baby don't lie to me" Noodle said
"God I swear you can read my mind or something" I said noodle chuckled
"It's Violet" I said
"What happened?" He Asked
"She's scared, I know her better than anyone I can tell when she's scared. It worries me that she's scared. She's always been the brave one." I said
"Don't worry so much. You're always so focused on everyone else that you pay no attention to yourself." Noodle said
"I'm fine noodle" I said
"Really? because your sitting on my lap I can feel how hot you are." Noodle said
"Noodle it's nothing"
"Fine just here drink some water" he said handing me some water
"I'm not thirsty" I said putting it down
"Please drink the water if not for me than for her" Noodle said placing his hand on my stomach.
"You're pregnant?" Zoey questioned coming in the room.
"Um... I ... Uh" I stuttered
"Mia answer the question"
"I'm 11 weeks." I said
"It's a girl." Noodle said smiling and rubbing circles on my belly.
"11 weeks. Why didn't you tell me? Omg I'm going to be an Aunty....Aunty Zoey I like it." Zoey said smiling and coming over to pull me off noodle and give me a hug.
"I was going to tell you the morning everything went bad. We found out it was a girl the day before. I wanted to know what it was before I told you, but then everything went to shit." I said
"Congrats does Violet or your mum know?" Zoey asked
"Mum knew. Her and Noodles mum have been planing our wedding for weeks, even though we're not even engaged, I don't want to have my wedding while I'm pregnant 100 things could go wrong. Mum was okay with it. She even bought us a house a little bit out of town " I said
"That sounds just like your mum" Zoey said laughing.
"Are you going to tell the others?" Zoey asked once she calmed her laughing
"Yeah when the time is right, but not yet." Noodle said
"Ok, I won't tell anyone"
"Thank you Zoey" I said
"But drink the God damn water" Zoey said
"Fine, fine" I said drinking the water.
Violets pov
"I'm pretty sure we'll find all these things in the chemistry lab." I said looking at the list of things we'd need for Mia to make the knock out gas.
"We were, uh, supposed to have a history test today." Grover said
"Really?" I asked
"Mm... hmm." Grover said
"Would you have passed?" I asked
"Probably." He said
"What was it on?" I asked
"Not a clue." Grover said
"But you would have passed." I said in a questioning way
"It's my gift." Grover said
"Ha, what, bullshitting?" I said before seeing a freak coming towards us growling.
"shit! Move!" Grover said pushing the freaks behind a door
"Give me a rope! Anything! Come on, give me a chain, anything. Ah! What are you doing?" Grover said holding the door closed as I tried to get his belt
"I'm getting your belt, stupid. Hold it. Hold it!" I said finally tying the door closed and keeping the freak away from us.
Zoey's pov
"So there's this plan." I said recording on my phone
"So there's this plan for me to climb through some vents because there are freaks blocking the halls. To get to the chemical lab, to get the chemicals that we need. And... apparently, I'm the only one small enough and athletic enough to help our little chemical queens. I am completely terrified. Like, everybody's expecting me to fail. Including me. My battery's gonna die. One thing about an apocalypse: everybody brought their phones, but... nobody thought to bring a charger." I said stopping the recording and walking to where I need to crawl though the vents.
Mia's pov
"I'm not too happy about Zoe doing this." LeShaen said
"You worried about her?" Natalie asked
"Just the type that won't help Violet if things turn to shit." LeShaen said
" Zoe'll come through." Natalie
"You sticking up for her? Don't you two have a... thing?" LeShaen asked
"She has one against me." Natalie said
"Yeah, well, it must be pretty bad blood if you two can't get along right at the end of the world." LeShaen said
"It was and if you say anything like that about Zoey again I'll ring your neck. She can hold her own, you just haven't given her a chance to prove that she can." I said
"Whatever Mia " LeShaen said
Zoey's pov
"Just don't say anything." I said as I got to the vents and saw LeShaen's face.
" I should be the one going." He said
"You won't fit." I said
"I can go by myself." I said
"She's right; there's no point in risking more than one person." Violet said
"Nah, you need backup. Yeah, reliable backup." Diesel said
"Just so you know, I trained in gymnastics for half my life." I said
"Oh, fabulous. If we need a great cartwheel, I'll let you know. Okay." Diesel said
"We're all nervous, here. Look, it's nothing personal, but this is not going to be easy. Will you be able to stay calm if things go bad? " Violet said
"I guess we'll find out" I said
"Let's go." I said to Violet
"Ok come on Mia" Violet said
"I'm not coming" Mia said
"Why not? Someone needs to back up Zoey" LeShaen said to Mia
"No one needs to back me up. Like I said I can go by myself. Besides if things go wrong we need someone back here who can make the knockout gas. Mia's not going" I said
"Fine" LeShaen said.
"Thank you" Mia mouthed to me, I smiled in return before climbing into the vent.
" How many do you think are down there?" I asked Violet crawling through the vent
"I don't know. We just need to be fast and quiet." Violet said
"Looks empty." I whispered coming up to the end of the vent
"Is the door shut? " Violet asked
"It's open" I whispered. Before pushing the end of the vent off so we could get out. It made a bang as it hit the floor
"Oh, yeah. That's what I meant by "quiet." Violet said
"Oh, thank you, Captain Obvious. I didn't mean to do it." I said.
"Hey, we found a phone charger." I said smiling as I thought the door closed. Then I saw violets face
"What?" I asked
"Run."she said then I noticed the freak and hit it in the face with the charger. It kept coming at us and managed to get Violet on the floor
"Here" I said handing Violet a weapon. Violet stabbed it.
"We got to get out of here. Help me get the stuff." Violet said getting up we got the rest of the stuff and climbed back through the vent.
"Is this your blood? Are you... are you bitten?" LeShaen asked
"No. We killed one." I said
"You okay? Are you hurt?" Mia asked
"I think we're okay."
"Did you get what you need?" Grover asked
"We got it." Violet said pulling it through the vent
"Look at you, all Wonder Woman." LeShaen said
"And you didn't think I could do it." I said
"I was with you when we got attacked. You went all shrieky on me." LeShaen said
"Shrieky?" I asked
"Look, you know what I mean. Don't get mad." LeShaen said
" I'm not mad." I said
"Nobody thought you could do it. Expect Mia" LeShaen said
"Well, I did." I said
"You did." LeShaen said
"So now you know." I said
"Now I know." LeShaen said
"I'm kind of a badass." I said
"Kind of a badass." LeShaen repeated.

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