Chapter 2

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The drive is short and kind of quiet. I can hear Carly humming a nursery rhyme. I stop at Sunshine Daycare center and grab Carlys' hand after shutting the back door of the car.

"Hi Emily! Carly! Good to see you guys again!" Mrs. Hanna shouts. She was my pre school teacher when I went here.

"Hi, Carly is ready to play here again right Carly?" I say and a huge grin grows on her face as she nods. "I'll be here to pick you up around 2:30 okay Carly?"

"Okay, bye Em!" She says with excitement as I walk back to my car. When I get back in the car I realize how nervous I am to go to school. Even though I've been going to this school for 3 years now I still get nervous. When I pull up to the school which is only 5 minutes away from the daycare there's a huge sign that says


Im not very excited but when I enter the school doors the first person I see is Lexi and her boyfriend Max. My face lights up because I love Lexi like a sister and she makes time for me even though she has a boyfriend. 

"Em you made it!" she shouts while wrapping her arms around me tightly. Even though is saw Lexi a couple of days ago im still so glad to see her. "What's your schedule?" I pull away and pull out a little piece of paper from pocket. "We have 1st and fourth together and lunch!".

"Yay" are the first words to come out of my mouth to her.

"Emily we are gonna have such a great year this year I promise." A bigger smile grows on my face because I am already thinking of all the possibilities of fun things me and Lexi will do together.

Me and Lexi walk to first period together which is math. I've always kind of liked math because I found it easy. As soon as we walk through the door my eyes fall on this guy who I've never seen before. He's cute. But I don't know who he is.

"C'mon Em" Lexi says interrupting my thoughts and I realize that I stopped in the middle of walking to sit down. I feel a little embarrassed and sit down in a seat next to Lexi. It feels like forever until class starts. I wait for role call to find out that guys name.

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