Chapter 17

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Songs of the chapter: Come A Little Closer by Cage The Elephant and Heart Out by The 1975

I felt broken. I felt like my heart was in ten thousand pieces on the floor like a glass vase that had fallen off a 4 foot high wooden table and broke so bad that it would be unable to fix. I went straight home after Cole gave me the news not caring weather I was skipping school or not. I was more upset than I have ever been in all my days of living.

I cried

I cried for 2 hours and didn't stop. I cried so much because I knew there might be something Louis was hiding from me, nothing was as perfect as our relationship was. Coles last words to me before I ran out of the supply closet and out to the parking lot to my car were "I saw them last week."

I drove home angry and upset but still obeying the law and stopping at all stops and driving the speed limit. I tried hard to make sure no tears came out of my eyes but I couldn't help it and the tears streamed down my face slowly while my lips quivered. When I got into my driveway and was alone I punched the steering wheel and put my head in my hands and just let myself cry.

The first time you fall in love, it changes your life forever, and no matter how hard you try, the feeling never goes away.

So I didn't want to lose Louis. I wanted to confront him and get him back, and thats what I was going to do.


I went to school the next day like nothing happened and Cole seemed to act that way.

"Hey Em where were you yesterday?" Louis questions

"I felt sick so I went home." I mumble being not able to stand the fact that Louis might love someone else.

"Can we hang out today after school Emily?"

"Yeah that'd be great." I can see the annoyance in Coles eyes.

"Hey Em how come we haven't been hanging out lately?" Lexi says and I totally forgot that ever since I started spending time with Louis I totally forgot about Lexi.

"Oh my gosh Lexi I'm so sorry how about we hang out Saturday?"

"I cant me and Max are going out." she responded.

"Oh," I felt sad now. My best friend and I never have time for each other anymore. I hope things come together though I really do miss her.

The bell rings and first period is ready to start.


The whole day was a blur. I was so tired today from all the crying yesterday. I could see the tiredness behind my eyes when I saw my reflection and so could everyone else when they looked at me. I'm just not myself anymore.

I waited for Louis outside the front doors where lower classmen were getting picked up and upper classmen were driving away in their nice cars their parents probably bought for them. I guess I was driving me and Louis wherever we would be together today.

He meets me outside five minutes after school ended and everyone in the parking lot is basically gone.

"Hey babe." he says and reaches for a kiss but I look down and he kisses my forehead.

"What's the matter?"

"We need to talk but not here." and I started walking to my car knowing Louis was only a few feet behind. When I start my car Louis is beside me but I wish I was happy.

We pull up to an empty park. Not one where children would play on a swingset and hang from monkey bars, but a park where people would come to look up at the clouds while lying in the cool grass to think and just relax. I just get out of my car and start walking to where my legs would take me. Theres a lake at the end of the park with a small dock. I lay right before the lake and look up and start to think.

"What are you doing?" Louis questions while standing over me.

"Thinking," I pause "lay down Lou." he follows my words and lays down beside me.

"Louis, I need to ask you something."

"What is it Em?"

"You said I was your one and only, and I said you were mine right?"

"Of course Emily."

"You made a promise that you really loved me and I did the same right?"

"I do love you."

"And I do too Louis but why?"

"Why what Em?"

"Why do you love me?" he pauses for a moment like he's thinking. He sits up really quickly after while pulling my arm to have me sit up as well.

"Emily, I love you because you are my sunshine, my whole world. When I saw you on the first day of school I could see in your eyes that you had a beautiful mind and soul and you were just an amazing human being. You had the best smile in the room, the whole world actually and I needed it in my life. More than just everyday at school I needed you to be mine and wanted you to be mine. Emily I simply love you because you are Emily. Emily Parker."

I look up and smile but then start to cry. Man it seems like that's been my hobby lately. This crying is a mixture of sadness and happiness. 

"Lou then why did Cole say he saw you out with a girl?" I say with a stuffy nose voice while the tears roll down my cheek once again.

"What are you talking about Em? Come here." he says while pulling me into his arms.

"Cole said he saw you out with a girl last week." Louis looks into my eyes before he begins to speak.

"Emily, last week I was out with Jamie. My sister remember you met her at the bakery?" I look into Louis' eyes like straight at his pupils and start to laugh. Cole doesnt know who Jamie is and definitely does not know that's Louis sister.

"Im sorry Louis, Cole made it seem like it was way bigger than just you and Jamie."

"Its okay Emily but im tired of you not trusting me." he says a little stiffly.

"Im sorry Lou I just-"

"Em if you are my girlfriend I need to know you trust me or our relationship will never work."

"Okay Louis I trust you." I respond.

"Okay good, because I would never cheat on you. You are my one and only."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2014 ⏰

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