Chapter 4

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"So say hello to your table partner because they will be your partner for the rest of the the year!" Mrs. Roberts says

I can still feel the redness on my face from running to class with Cole and feeling a little embarrassed about sitting next Louis. Louis, something about that name intrigues me.

"Hello, Emily right?"

He knows my name? I wouldn't say that's weird because I know his name too.

"Yes Louis" The words just spill out of my mouth. Louis looks shocked that I know his name but then smiles and laughs. "What?" slips out. For some reason words keep stumbling out of my mouth.

"Nothing." he smiles and looks back up at the front of the class.

"Okay class, now that you have hopefully got to know about your partner a little bit you are going to do a small class project. But it will be an individual project. I will give a small amount of clay and you are going to sculp something that represents your life out of clay." Mrs. Roberts says while slowly pacing across the front of the classroom then walking fastly to her storage closet to get the clay.

"Do you know what you're going to sculp yet?" again the words slip right out of my mouth. Louis turn and looks at me staring right into my eyes. His eyes are so blue and he has a little bit of stubble which I'm not complaining about.

"No not yet, you?" his voice is smooth like butter. Am I falling in love with him? No I can't I've never been in love.

I snap back into reality and realize I was in my own thoughts. "Oh um.. I'm not sure either. Probably a bunny."     "A bunny?" he questions.

"Yeah I have a little sister named Carly, she's my whole world." why am I telling Louis this stuff?

"What does she have to do with a bunny?" I can hear the jokingness in his voice before he meets out a small laugh.

"Oh when she was born we would call her bunny, because she would scrunch her nose up like a bunny. And ever since then a bunny has been our favorite animal." I smile at the thought of Carly and hope she's doing alright.

"Ohh I see." he smiles and stares forward at the class again, I can tell that he is thinking a lot in his mind and I want to know what he is thinking.

Mrs.Roberts has already started handing out clay and when she comes up to mine and Louis' desk she says "Hello Miss Parker how are you today?"

"Im good." I say quietly. I don't really like talking to teachers. They make me nervous.

"Miss Parker huh?" a familiar voice interrupts my thoughts.

I turn and look at Louis again.

"Yeah." is the only that seems to escape my mouth this time.

"Hm" quietly comes out of Louis. I want start a new conversation with him but Mrs. Roberts starts talking again.

"This will be a silent and independent time and I will quietly play some music. No talking please,  you can start now."

I pick up the small square at the front of my desk and rip it in two. I start rolling one piece into a ball and place the other half back on the desk. Im holding in my hand a small circle, I'm not quite sure where I want to go next with it. I look over at Louis to see what he is doing but I'm not surprised when I see he hasn't started yet. I decide on ripping a piece off my circle to use for some ears. As I finish attaching the ears I grab the other piece to start a body and tail. When I'm finished my bunny looks pretty okay for my first time using actual clay. Ive played with Play Dough a lot with Carly.

When I look over at Louis to see what he made I'm in shock.

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