Chapter 11

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A/N hey guys! Sorry there has been a a few spelling errors in my last chapters I will review them before posting them and the chapters will be longer and they will have more excitement! Vote and comment I love to know what you guys think :)

My house is very far and secluded from other houses. I feel like it would be hard to get to civilization in an emergency but at the same time I love how quiet it is. When I pull up to the driveway it has started sprinkling outside a little which is typical. Seattle is a rainy place. My dad is sitting on the couch with Carly and they are watching a basketball game. My dad is a huge fan and always has been.

"Hey Emily how was your day?"

"Good." I respond while hanging up my keys and kicking my shoes off.

"I went to the market so we have some new food now."

"Awesome." I say, I'm so tired from school and dance that I'm starving so I head over to kitchen to grab something. I love when my fridge and freezer are full of food it makes me so happy. I decide on nachos so I pull out a plate and spread cheese and chips on it and heat it up for a little under a minute. I head upstairs to my room where I would watch a little t.v. before starting my homework.

I get distracted by my phone a lot when I do my homework but this time I get distracted by a text. From Louis.

* Hello Emily. Are you free this weekend? I want to take you somewhere special. *

I feel a redness of blush on my face as the words float through my mind. I can hear the words rolling of Louis' tounge. And coming out of his soft lips. Lips that for some reason I wanted to kiss so badly even though I only met him about a couple of weeks ago. It felt like it was just yesterday but really it has been like a month. Louis presence intrigues me and makes me want to know more about him. I want to feel his hand on mine and or his skin on mine. I have work but not till Saturday.

* I'm free Friday*

I would really rather not spend time with anyone else but Louis.


The rest of the week goes by so slow and me and Louis dont really show affection towards each other at all which I mean is okay I want to take things slow as well but I mean a little hand holding wouldn't hurt.

But its finally friday and at school we had a half day. All first period Louis was looking at me with a charming smirk on his face. I could tell by his sky blue eyes that he was planning something exciting for today but I couldn't tell what. I asked my dad to drop me off at school today because after school Louis was taking me straight to whatever we were doing today and my car would have had to be left at school but they lock the gates after a certain time.

The rest of the day is super fast since half days only go until 11:00 am.

At the end of the day I stand outside waiting for Louis alone. When I see a tall boy with light brown fluffy hair walking towards me I can't help but smile huge. He hugs me tight and finally I feel some affection and warmth in the cold morning of Washingtons' weather.

"Hi Louis" I say into his chest.

"Hello Emily" he says breathing warm air onto my ear. We walk to his car with his arm around me and I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

When we get into his silver ford explorer he just looked over at me until I looked over back at him.

"What?" I said trying not to sound harsh.

"Nothing. Just thinking."

"About what?"

"Life I guess." he replied.

"Oh" was the only thing I said.

And then we drove off.

"Where are going Louis? If I may ask?"

"You'll see." he said with a small smirk.

I'm so curious as to where Louis would take me out on this 'surprise' but I guess I had patients.

We pull up to a huge grey building on the side so I can't see where we are until we enter the huge doors and when we do I feel a rush of excitement rise over me.

A bowling alley!

I have been good at bowling ever since I was little.

"A bowling alley!" I turn to Louis and smile

"Well yes it seemed like a fun idea."

"Im excited lets go get our shoes" I said while pulling his arm with me towards a booth with tons of shoes behind the counter.

"8 please." I said kind of quietly feeling a little embarrassed.

"11 please" Louis says with confidence.

We go to a lane with no one beside us on either side. The place was pretty empty except a couple of teens and a father and his son. Louis decided to go first but doesn't hit any pins and I can't help but laugh.

"Hey this is only like my third time!" and we laugh together.

When I take my turn I hit 9 pins and Louis looks at me shocked. The rest of the game goes by and I win with a couple of strikes and if not that I hit most pins and I am proud.

"Good game Parker." he says and I can feel his sense of humor.

"Thanks" I say and smile. When we walk out of the building its about 5:00 in the afternoon. Wow you don't know how much time flies by when you're spending it with someone you enjoy spending time with.

We walk around the building and Louis stops me and slowly pushes me up against the cement wall. Hes breathes slowly and steadily and I can see his chest rise and fall. His forehead is at mine and we are staring eye to eye but I'm not scared at all. I want this.

"I had a really great time today Emily." he says at a low slow whisper which makes me want him even more. And finally he moves his lips towards mine and I close my eyes and feel his lips meet mine. A slow movement synchronizing together as the sun is at its last point in the sky and it feels amazing. One hand is around my waist and the other is up against the wall holding him up and mine are around his body. He moves off me but I crave more and with that he walks over to his car and I'm not too far behind him and we start heading home.

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