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Jemma chuckled and pinched her cheek,

"You're so adorable."

Robin was speechless but slapped away her hand. Jemma chuckles turned into a laugh. "And why are you here." Her laughing died down and rubbed her nape.

"Um... I've been thinking about the words you said-"

"You said they were useless-"

"That's because it made me think... Like stare into space deep. Umm...I was thinking about the second chance? I want to show them that I have changed but... I want you to see it for yourself before I show it to them."

Robin was shocked but her face said 'Should I trust you?'

Jemma rolled her eyes and placed a knife on her throat.

"Dare try to contact with any of your police comrades and I WILL finish you." Robin sweatdropped as she felt the cold tip touching her neck. She nodded and Jemma's expression turned from cold and sadistic to happy and sunshine as she withdraw her knife.

"The first thing you do, is to stop using violence for everything."

"But violence is my thing! Don't you love the feeling how warm blood spreads around your arm or how it splattered around your body and it drips down to your finger-" Robin raised an eyebrow, "Right- ahem, sorry for that and...also your leg,"

She shook her head and sat up straight. "Well since you disturbed my nap, I guess I have to do start cleaning the whole place."


She nodded as she tried to go to her wheelchair. Jemma followed her to a room filled with cleaning supplies. Robin took out gloves and a few cleaning supplies.

"What are you going to clean?" "Living room." "Uh... Do you need my help?" "I think I can handle it,"

She said as she tried cleaning. Not more than three minutes later, Jemma grunted, took the rag and gloves away from her. "Your cleaning skills are horrible. I'll do it." She wore the gloves and started cleaning. All Robin could do was watch.

Is she just here to be kind to me? I don't think so... It looks like she's hiding something. Once Jemma was done, she put away the cleaning supplies and cleaned the gloves.

Jemma sighed," Cleaning is such an easy task..."

"I was thinking about your reason why you're here."

"Yeah I want to be a better person to show the world that-"

"You're lying."


"You're lying. I can tell from your eyes."

Jemma bit her lip and sighed. "Fine... I kinda feel guilty shooting you and I want to... Make it up to you by... Taking care of you."

Whoa... what? Is this a dream? An infamous murderer feeling... guilty?

Robin was lost for words, she couldn't believe her ears. "Haha... nice... joke?"

"I'm serious."

Jemma stared into her eyes causing her to think she IS serious. "Yeah,

yeah... I know. How can an infamous murderer like me feel guilty?... In all honesty, I don't know either but I still want that guilt off my chest so that's why I'm here. Once that feeling is off my chest, I'll leave like you've never seen me taking care of you unless I'm told to kill you." She mumbled the last sentence.

Robin snickered causing her to think she's not taking it seriously. "What's so funny? This is serious!" "I know you are but for a murderer like you... you have feelings towards others like this and it's weird now that you think about it."

"W-well you just have to get used to a person like me taking care of you 24/7." Robin giggled and nods.

Holy sh*t... she's so adorable. WHAT THE F*CK AM I THINKING ABOUT?! Jemma shook off that thought and helped her to go to the kitchen.

"Right... it's almost dinner time. What would you like?" Jemma said as she took an apron and wore it. "Something simple would be fine." Robin said in an unsure tone.

Jemma isn't that much of a bad guy after all... But that won't change the fact she kills people so I still have to be careful. 

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