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The next day, Jemma woke up but she felt weight on her body. She looked down and saw Robin sleeping in her arms. Jemma looked around to find a pillow to replace her arm, she found one and slowly replaced it. Once she got out from bed, she went to prepare breakfast. She barely reached the kitchen but she heard the door knock. Jemma ran to Robin's bedroom and shook her awake.

Robin hurriedly went to the front door, "Sorry to wake you up early in the morning." "N-no..." She said in a sleepy tone, " You didn't disturb me at all... Why are you here so early? I thought you're going to work?" "Today, I'll be taking care of you." "R-Really? You're here to take care of me?" She said loud enough for Jemma to hear from where she's hiding. "Yeah." Leon said as he entered the house.

Jemma growled but decided to stay, even though it's a huge mistake to stay.

Then Leon got a phone call and sighed after he dismissed the call. Robin asked,"Is there something bothering you?" "It sucks when they told you to bring work everywhere you go, they told me to talk about the plans with you." "Wow homeschooling..." Leon chuckled and decided to multitask while he talked about the plans. Robin decided to help with his multitasking until she found Jemma at the back of the house. Robin was about to talk to her until Leon called her. "Robin, I didn't know you had crutches." "Yeah... I hate them, it hurts your arms." "But you gotta have to get used to it. Don't worry I'm here to help."

They spent the rest of the day and afternoon helping Robin to walk in crutches. It's already the twentieth retry and Robin wasn't still used to walking in crutches. She tried again but accidentally fell, luckily Leon caught her in time.

Their face was so close to each other and Jemma was so close to kill him.

Leon was mesmerized from her and unexpectedly leaned close. Robin blushed and immediately helped herself to sit up. Leon realized what he was doing and felt embarrassed about it. "Sorry what I just did." Leon said as he helped her went back to her wheelchair. "I-it's alright, I think it's hopeless for me to walk in crutches." "Ah,ah,ah. Don't give up just yet. I bet you just don't have enough energy." Leon jumped up and walked to the kitchen.

Robin shook her head while chuckling. "A movie won't hurt whilst you gather up your energy," Leon said as he brought a bowl of popcorn and drinks. He helped her sit down on the couch and went to the television to search for movies to watch. Leon found an interesting one and sat down on the couch next to her. Leon sat comfortably next to her and watched the movie with her. The movie was supposed to be action filled but Robin was laughing every time Leon sinned a scene in the movie.

Jemma was at the roof playing around with her knife waiting for the moment he leaves. Hold on, why did I feel so jealous every time he visits? Wait I'm jealous?! How?! Jemma laid down to think about it until it hit her. Why am I falling in love with the person whose heart broke because of me? 

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