Too Far//Part 2

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(Jack's POV)
I walk with Kyndel down the hall, with a smile on my face. I got Gabi. I did it. I hurt her. My thought is interrupted as Kyndel begins to speak.
"Dude, don't you think you went a little too far. You might've killed him." Kyndel says in a worried voice.

"Nah, he deserves it. Plus there's nothing wrong with what I did. What he did to me by dating my soulmate is worse. What I did almost cancels out what he did." I say casually. My brother's face shows horror...but why?

"Dude, you're a psychopath! You need help." He says. "You're totally apathetic unless it involves you."

I shake my head and laugh. The bell rings and we split and go to our respective classes.
(Gabi's POV)
I wait anxiously as 7th period carries on. Another 5 minutes pass when finally, the bell rings. Baileigh and I order an Uber to the hospital to see Alex.
When we arrive there, I quickly walk to the information desk.
"He's in room 311." I say to Baileigh.
We quickly walk to his room and find him, barely responsive, but alive. I walk by his bedside, my emotions mixed.
I grab his hand.
"Alex," I whisper, "Alex, I'm here."
He tries to talk, but he remains too weak to force the words out of his mouth.
The doctor comes in the room.
"Hello girls, I'm Dr. Holmes. I assume you want to know what's going on."
We nod our heads.
"Well, Alex here has a severe allergy to even the touch of peanuts or peanut products. It seems he had some on his face and in his mouth. Do you two know how this happened?" He asks.

"It's a terribly long story." I say sadly.

"Well he should be fine, but he will need to stay here for observation for about a week or two." The doctor says.

Moments later, Alex's parents arrive in the room, frantic to see their son.
"Can you give us a minute, doc?" Mr. Braverman asks. The doctor leaves and it's just his parents, barely-moving Alex, Baileigh, and me in the room.

"Hey dear, please tell me what happened to my baby." Mrs. Braverman says, very worried.

"Well it's a very long story. I'll try to keep it short. You obviously know Jack. Well ever since I told him I don't like him, he has turned to a total psychopath. He was very jealous about me and Alex together and he lost it at lunch today. They were fighting and Jack threw peanuts at him."
The Bravermans remain silent for many minutes. They ask for a minute to talk alone. Baileigh and I step out of the room.

"How are you not crying your eyes out? Your boyfriend almost died!!!" Baileigh whisper-yells at me.

"If you're saying I don't care, I do care! He is a person and doesn't deserve this. He has liked me for a while I just never knew. Here's the thing though. Ever since Kyndel suggested I just liked the attention, I can't get that out of my head and I think he might be right. Don't get me wrong, Alex is amazing! But at this point we rushed in and I think I might be using him as a rebound. I don't want that so when he's all better, I'm going to break up with him. I'd rather be friends before we try again." I explain to Baileigh. Her jaw drops and sorrow fill both of our faces.

"Wow. Well as always, I'm here for you and I will support whatever you choose. But the number one priority is to act like nothing happened at home. Kyndel can't know how you feel or he will ruin this too. And Jack, you ignore that psycho at all costs for your own safety." She says in a cautious tone.

The Bravermans call us back in.

"Girls," Mr. Braverman says in a serious tone, "would you be willing to defend our Alex in trail? We want to sue Jack for this. It is unacceptable and he deserves to be in jail or at the very least, punished in some way for this act of violence."
Shock fills our faces at the statement. I'm the first to open my mouth. I think about all Jack and Kyndel have done for a moment, then my decision is clear.

"I will defend Alex." I say.

"I'm with her." Baileigh says supportively.

"Great. We will contact you directly or through a lawyer as soon as we need you. And you're welcome to visit Alex whenever you want." Mrs. Braverman states. With that, Baileigh and I thank them and leave the hospital. We call another Uber to take us to our houses.

"Gabi, we must not talk about this to anyone, especially Jack and Kyndel. They will find out when the letter arrives that they are requested in court." She says sternly.

"Agreed. We don't talk about this to anyone!" I whisper back to her in the car.
We arrive at our homes and carry on, as always.

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