VIII-I'll Leave You to It

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"Nico?" I glanced up to see Nico pass out and fall to the floor.

"Nico!" I reached out to grab him, but I wasn't fast enough.

His head hit the floor and I yelped. I quickly scooped him up and ran him to the medic office. He was still alive, but his breathing was shallow. 

After his wounds were re-stitched I started sobbing as I carried him to our room. I placed him in my bed and sobbed at his bedside until a girl, who I assumed was Bianca, walked in. She gasped at the sight of her brother and rushed over.

"What happened?" She asked.

I told her the entire story from beginning to end. I ended up a sobbing mess as I held tight to Nico's hand.

"Prince Will, it's alright. You've done everything you can, he just needs rest." She soothed.

"You don't understand. This is all my fault! If I wouldn't have tried to kiss him, then he wouldn't have ran off and wasted his energy in the first place! I'm an awful human." I argued.

Bianca turned away from me and smiled.


She hugged him carefully and I started whimpering. He looked over at me and I sprinted out of the room. I collapsed half way down the hall and sank to my knees.
Nico could've died because I didn't catch him, because I upset him, because I acted without thinking. After a minute I heard footsteps come up behind me.

"Prince Will? Nico wants to speak with you."

"I-I can't. He hates me!"

"He doesn't hate you!" Bianca argued.

"He should. He could've died. And it would've been my fault!" I argued back.

But Bianca still grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the bedroom. I whimpered but didn't stop her as she shoved me into the bedroom.

"I'll leave you to it. " Bianca announced as she shut the door behind her.

I turned and started walked slowly towards Nico's bed before plopping down in the chair next to the bed.


I looked up.

"This wasn't your fault, okay?"




"No. It wasn't your fault."

I nodded, but I still knew it was my fault. He was just being kind. Nico sighed.

"Will, come here." He motioned to the spot beside him on the bed."

I slowly climbed up onto the bed next to him and he layed his head on my chest, leaving me no choice but to wrap my arms around him.
(A/N oh my gods this chapter is even shorter! I am a failure.)

Word count-434

Worth the Fight- A Solangelo Royalty AUWhere stories live. Discover now