IX-Nothing of Importance

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"Will, come here." I motioned to the spot next to me on his bed.

He looked unsure but slowly climbed up onto the bed next to me and laid down. I set my head in his chest knowing that he would have to wrap his arms around me now. I smiled to myself when he did.

"What are you smiling about, Sunshine?" He asked, regaining his usual demeanor.

I blushed and looked up at him with a small smile.

The truth was, I still didn't want to fully open up to him yet, even though I knew Will would respect anything I said, a part of me was still scared he'd throw me in the dark dungeons.
I shook my head.

"Nothing of importance." I shrugged.

He raised an eyebrow.

"If you say so."

A dinging came from the wall followed by a semi-staticky voice.

"Will time for lunch, can you and Nico come join us?"

Will leaned over and pressed a button on the wall.

" We're coming."

Then he turned to me and picked me up.

"Will! Stop it!" I laughed.

He smiled and when we reached the steps he sat down on the railing, cradling me in his arms he pushed himself down.

"Wiillll! Ahhhh!"

Will laughed and held me tighter.

When we finally slid into the dining room, King Apollo was laughing hysterically and the Queen Mary let out a polite giggle. Even Bianca clapped for our dramatic entrance. Will set me down in my chair and then headed over to his as my face burned bright red.

Through lunch I caught Will's eye multiple times making me blush and look away which would cause Will to smirk and my cheeks to burn brighter.

When we'd finished our food the King stood to make an announcement.

"Alright everyone. As the King, I have decided to pull some strings to throw a party."

Even the Queen looked surprised so he must not have shared this with her yet.

"What for?" Queen Mary asked.

"Well, that's the best part. Will can choose a bride." He announced happily.

My heart sunk. All four of us seated dropped our silverware onto the table.

"Dear-" The Queen stood.

"Yes, I'm aware. Yet, I still think this will truly be best for him. Will needs to marry a woman."

"Father!" Will stood, too now.

I was going to lose him.

"Your highness, please!" Bianca stood, leaving me seated alone.

"Silence!" He shouted.

Bianca ran out of the room.

The King looked over at me, now.

"And as for you, I think it'd be best if you spent some time in the dungeon. Guards!"

I couldn't process what was happening quick enough. Will was yelling, his mother was screaming, the guards were running, the King was roaring, I was flailing, I was leaving, Will was crying.

The next thing I knew, I was in he dark dungeon. There was no light. Everything was black. I screamed and cried in fear but the guards simply threw me up against a wall and locked a door. Then everything was quiet except for my ear-piercing sobs that cut though the air like a knife.

Will, come save me. You promised.

(A/N HEHEHEHE evil chapter! It's also short though so sorry about that.)

Word count: 552

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