XX-He Doesn't Love You

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I was in the castle dining room along with Will and his family. His father was yelling something at me that I couldn't hear. Soon, it persuaded his mother to join in, too. Huge, angry screams, but I didn't know what they were saying. I looked over at Will who seemed to be studying me intently, trying to decide if he should start yelling, too.

Suddenly, his father yelled something and both the King and the Queen smiled evilly. Will looked horrified. Guards came rushing in and grabbed Will and I. Will struggled but it was useless. I didn't even try to free myself. I watched with a set jaw as one lone guard came up to me with a knife. He hesitated when he reached me as if thinking about the best place to stab me. I looked behind the guard and saw Will struggle harder and scream. For some reason, I could hear Will.

"No! Don't hurt him! Hurt me instead! Don't hurt him!"

I looked the guard in the eye and he smiled. I tried to yell but my voice didn't work. The guard walked over to Will and this time I did struggle. But it was no use. The guard was already to Will. There was a brief hesitation before the knife was plunged into his chest and Will went limp. But I couldn't call out. I couldn't do anything. I could only watch as the light left Will's eyes and he smiled at me for the last time...

"Nico, wake up! Please!" It sounded like Will.

Slowly, I let my eyes flutter open to see worried blue eyes and golden hair.

"Thank goodness!" He exclaimed as he lifted me into sitting position and tackled me in a hug.

"You were yelling and screaming my name and you were crying but you wouldn't wake up and I didn't know what to do and I'm so glad you're awake..." He babbled.

"I'm sorry, I just had a nightmare." I said, embarrassed.

He pulled away from the hug to reposition me so I laid back on his chest with his arms around me.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked softly.

I thought for a moment.

It would be completely humiliating at first, but maybe it could help?

"Um...yes." I decided nervously.

He nodded.

"Whenever your ready."

I spilled out the whole thing. I didn't leave out any details or parts. He knew it all. When I was finished a lone tear fell down my cheek and I cursed myself for crying over a dream.

Stupid idiotic-

But Will just wiped it away with his thumb.
"Oh, Nico..." He sighed and continued, "I need to take you back home."

What? Surely I heard him wrong.

He doesn't like you anymore. He's sick of you. He wants you to leave. He doesn't love you anymore.

I covered my ears with hands, trying desperately to drown out the voice in my head. But it didn't help.

He doesn't love you. He doesn't love you. He doesn't love you. He doesn't love you.

It chanted over and over again, louder each time. It hurt my head and I pressed my ears harder. My eyes were squeezed tightly shut.
I felt someone grab my wrists and gingerly pull my hands away from my ears. Then, I felt someone plant a warm kiss onto my forehead. The voices stopped and I opened my eyes.

Will looked at me strangely.

"What's wrong? Don't you want to go home?"

I shook my head.

"The voice in my head. It told me you didn't want me anymore. You didn't love me anymore." I admitted.

Will looked shocked and I buried my face into his shirt, utterly humiliated.

"Oh no, baby. I do love you. It's just that you aren't safe here. My father could hurt you here, Nico. I love you too much to let you get hurt." He said, gently rubbing my back.

I looked up at him to see if he was telling the truth. It looked like he was. He scooped me up into his arms and smiled almost sadly.

"Come on, let's go get you home before it gets dark."

Will pressed a button on the intercom and all of the hallway lights dimmed. Then he carried me through the castle. The Queen saw us along the way and smiled with a nod. I blushed and buried my face in the crook of Will's neck.

When we reached the horse stables, Will talked to a boy named Percy, who I recognized as one of the men who had come to look for me. They had a brief conversation, but I kept my face buried in Will the whole time. Will brought out a horse and gently lifted me up, positioning me so I wouldn't fall as he also got on. Then he wrapped his arms around me and grabbed the reins.
Then we were off. It was still pretty early in the morning at the moment so I figured we could easily get there before dark.

But I hadn't accounted for a run-in with Reyna.

(A/N You all can thank WiseBeings  for motivating me to post this chapter. Otherwise, it would still be saved on my iPad, basking in the misery of unpostedness. )

Word count: 890

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