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(A/N That picture makes me emotional.)
"Did I really ask that?"

Will glared at the girl in the room before facing me.

"No, you didn't say that, she's just trying to embarrass you."

My heart dropped. He was lying, I could tell. He was biting his lip as if he was trying to keep the truth from spilling out.

"You're lying! I did! Oh my gods, Will, I, so sorry! I didn't-"

Will pressed a finger against my cold lips.

"Nico, its alright. It's okay. You didn't know."

I'm an awful person.

"I know, but still..."

"It's alright, Nico, I love you anyway." He laughed.

How was he so nonchalant about this? He should hate me for that!

"Will..." My voice cracked.

Tears started forming in my eyes. I couldn't believe what I'd done.

"Nico, how can I make you see, that it was okay?" He asked sadly.

I just burrowed my head into his shirt.

You can't. I thought, miserably.

Then he leaned down and placed his lips lightly against my forehead. An electric jolt shot through me and I snapped my head up.
William Solace just kissed me. Prince Solace kissed my forehead.

"W-Why d-did you do th-that?" I stuttered, embarrased.

He blushed and looked away.

"I'm sorry! I just thought that it might help...I'm sorry, Nico."

He started to pull away and I panicked. I hurriedly wrapped my arms around his neck and plunged his lips into mine. Warmth and happiness flooded through my veins. I smiled against his lips.

When he pulled away, he had a huge, goofy grin on his face that told me that I did something right for once. I smiled shyly and brought my arms down from around his neck.

"Do you want some soup?" He asked, pulling a tray onto his lap.

I suddenly felt incredibly nervous.

What if it had more of the potion in it?

"Oh, um, no. No thank you." I mumbled.

He tilted his head and his smile faded. I must've said the wrong thing.

Oh well...

"Why not?"

"I, uh, my stomach hurts."

This much was true, it just wasn't why I didn't want to eat...

"Nico, you really should eat something. I know enough about medicine to know that on an empty stomach, the symptoms of the potion Lou Ellen gave you could return."

I froze and my eyes widened to the size of saucers.


He nodded solemnly.

"Alright, I guess I'll eat something." I decided.

He picked up the spoon and placed it in my hand. I was shaky, but I effectively got a spoonful of soup onto it. A second before I put it in my mouth I hesitated and looked over at Will. He gave me an encouraging nod and I plunged in my mouth. Immediately I became utterly exhausted. My eyes drooped and I fell against Will. Will looked frightened by this.

"Lou!" He yelled.

The girl walked into the room.

"What's wrong?"

"Nico, he ate a bite of the soup and practically passed out!"

The girl's, Lou, eyes widened in realization.

"Lou, what's wrong with him?"

"The powder. It's called Gyterium. In small doses, its harmless and flavorful, like salt, but I must've forgotten to take his small build into account. Too much Gyterium can result in extreme fatigue and in some cases, temporary memory loss."

"Memory loss?!"

"Temporarily! He probably just needs sleep. He'll be fine soon, I'm sure." She said, regaining her usual composure.

Will nodded, but still seemed tense. He placed a small kiss on the top of my head.

"Good night, Sunshine."

Then my eyes fluttered closed.
When I woke up, it was dark.

No. Not darkness.

I squirmed around but couldn't feel Will anywhere around me. I screamed.


No response.

I panicked.

What happened, where is he?

I scream again and again without stopping.

He left you.

No, he wouldn't.

He did.


Then where is he?
"Nico, calm down. I'm right here, it's alright."

My eyes shot open.

"Where am I?!" I panicked.

Will started rubbing my back to calm me.

"Shh, it's okay, Sunshine. You're on your way to the castle."

I looked around and sure enough, I was in a carriage.

Will pulled me onto his lap.

"Why are we going back to the castle?"

Will winced.


I gasped.

"Is she alright?"

He shook his head slowly and my heart plummeted into my stomach.

"Nico..." His voice cracked and tears surfaced in his eyes.

"Bianca died."

The words he said didn't make sense to me.
Bianca couldn't be dead. She was too strong for that.

"My father, he sent guards after her...and they-they killed her. I'm so sorry Nico."

It hit me all at once: sadness, anger, betrayal.
But most of all: panic.

My heart started racing and my chest started to hurt badly. My hands felt numb. I felt weak and the room felt like it was spinning out of control.

This wasn't going to end well.

Word count: 841

Worth the Fight- A Solangelo Royalty AUWhere stories live. Discover now