XII-Lou Ellen (heh heh)

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I heard a knife being unsheathed and gasped. Nico leapt onto my chest, completely shielding me from harm. Terror flooded through me.

"Nico, stop! Get off! Run! Save yourself!"

I attempted to push him off but it was no use. I wasn't strong enough.

"Will, I'm really sorry about this."

I'm not strong enough.

"No! Nico don't say that! You're going to be fine! Its going to be alright!"

A whistle cut through the air and Nico gasped and went limp. I couldn't see him but surely the blow was too powerful for him to be alive.

"No! Nico!"

I started sobbing and the guards ripped Nico away from me. One carried him off while a few more held me down as I screamed for Nico to come back. One guard approached me and pressed a needle into my arm. I immediately felt calmer, but I also went limp.
They picked me up and carried me to a carriage. It was still dark, so I couldn't see anything, but we were riding for a long time before I finally got my senses back. I looked around and noticed there was sunlight now. There were a few guards who looked ready to pounce on me at any minute, but I still wasn't strong enough to cause much trouble. Instead, a few silent tears rolled down my cheeks.

"W-Where's N-Nic-co?"

A few guards looked down.

"He's on his way to a kingdom healer..." One, who I knew to be named Frank, replied.

"I could've healed him!"

He shook his head.

"I'm sorry, Prince William, but you were a wreck after Octavian unsheathed his knife, you wouldn't have been able to focus..." He argued.

He was right, but I cried anyway.

Please, please, please let Nico be alright...

Then I blacked out again.
When I woke up, I was laying in an unfamiliar bed. I looked around to see that I was in a cottage of sorts.

I sat up to see Nico laying in another bed, a few feet away from me.

I rushed out of my bed and went over for him, completely blocking out everything else. I took his hand right away.

There were bandages wrapped expertly around Nico's torso, and his face was pale, but he was breathing.

I let out a small squeak of happiness as I noticed this.

"I'm going to have to ask you to return to your own bed." A voice said from the doorway.

I turned to face a girl a bit older than me, holding two bowls of soup, and a few vials of liquids.

"My name's Lou Ellen. Can you give the patient some space, please?" She asked kindly.

I shook my head and she let out a sigh.

"Fine." She replied.

She motioned for me to sit on the bed next to him and I happily obliged. I saw a small thread of a smile curl on her lip and she set the soup down on the dresser.

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