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My world slides around me off the axis

I go to call you but I get scared that you've moved away

Are you there my friend?

I've been waiting to find someone like you and I left it too late

I said good bye when I thought I could manage you not to reply

I cried so much that I became numb

I stopped noticing how the world I loved was slowly breaking apart

I can't lie tonight

With your voice in my ear I can remember how to be strong

Show me how to be the true and real me

Take my hand and hold me close and take away this aching pain

Stand with me as I learn how to block out the pain within

Yet I hear your voice whispering let it fall

Let the world I know break apart and learn to breathe through it all

Feel your strong arms around my waist as you pick me up and cradle me

You see the fragility within the strength accept me as I am

I would say you love me but those are emotions that cannot be said only shown

So look at me with those eyes once more

Touch my body with those hands and let me know you care

Perhaps together we can right my little world

We can stop the tears of frustration from falling

Perhaps tonight we can find my inner peace

Poetry from The HeartWhere stories live. Discover now