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Tobin's POV
I wake up at 7 05 to get ready for breakfast. Christen is already gone so I have the bathroom to myself. I grab a change of clothes and take a shower. I pack my cleats and the rest of my gear in my bag and leave it by the door. I check the time and see its 7:28. "Shit" I mumble as I slip on my sneakers and bolt down the hallway, nearly taking out one of the housekeepers.
I race in to meet everyone staring at me and a slight smirk on Jill's face. "What did I tell you yesterday Tobin? Can't you be on time for once in your life?" I smile and shrug, looking for a place to sit. Alex waves me over. I scan the room over once more and see christen sitting alone. I nod my head towards christen and Alex mouths "good luck" before going back to her conversation. Luckily, christen looks somewhat calm this morning. I take a deep breath and then sit across from her. She raises one eyebrow at me. "What?"
"Um well I just figured I could sit with you since we're roommates and all, and I don't really know much about you."
"And that's how I'd like to keep it"
I gulp, regretting my decision. "Okay...well"
We sit in silence, while I eat my food and she sits there staring at the food in disgust.
"You know, you should eat before practice."
"You know, you should mind your own business.  I'm not hungry."
"How are you not hungry? You didn't eat anything last night either. What's going on?" I ask, actually concerned about my teammate's health.
"I'm just not" she mumbles before grabbing her plate and heading towards the trash.
Christen's POV
I head to the training facility and sit on the bench. As I pull out my cleats, Tobin takes a seat behind me. I roll my eyes at her. "What exactly is it you want from me? If you haven't noticed, I don't want to talk to you."
She shrugs. "You hide from everyone to deny you need someone."
I glare at her. "Don't tell me what I do. You don't understand anything about me." I get up and head towards JJ, my warm up partner. We got along pretty well when it was just her and me, but she knew I would never act silly in front of the team. She knew more about me than them and could understand why I was moody most of the time.
"Hey pressy! You pumped yet?" She says swinging an arm around me. I allow the embrace for a few seconds before pulling away and nodding.
"Totally, we're gonna kick ass."
With that, practice starts and I focus on strictly soccer.
We all stand in a circle, dripping with sweat, breathing heavily, and gulping water. "Okay girls, see you at dinner. Go out and explore, whatever you'd like, just be back for dinner."
"Yesss who's going to Starbucks with me?" Syd asks.
We all laugh before heading back to our rooms. I get to the door before realizing I forgot my cleats on the bench. I turn around and crash into Tobin.
"Here. You forgot these."
I stare at her for a few seconds. "You don't have to help me out." I turn around and enter our room.
"I know, hey can we talk?"
"Well I was wondering if you wanted to go out and do something after we shower? I mean-"
"Look, go out with Alex or something. I'm not interested." I get up and head to the bathroom, quickly getting in the shower.
As the water covers my body, I let a few tears slide down my cheeks.
Tobin's POV
I sit on my bed, patiently waiting for christen to get out of the bathroom. I am a little bummed out she didn't wanna do anything. I could hang out with Alex, but I don't really like shopping. I smile as I come up with a great idea. I grab a change of clothes and some money before heading out the door to Alex's room.
"Hey can I shower here, Christen is taking forever."
"Yeah sure. You coming shopping?"
"I'm gonna pass this time, next time I'll go for sure."
"Okay well I'm gonna head out in a few minutes. See you at dinner."
"Okay see ya"
I enter the bathroom and shower quickly. After changing into some clean clothes I exit the bathroom and comb out my hair. When it looks decent, I put on a snapback and head out of he hotel.
After twenty five minutes of walking to various places and getting everything ready, I head back to the hotel room with two smoothies in my hand and a bag with two muffins. I slide my key car and enter, knowing that christen will be inside our room by herself instead of out with the girls.
She is sitting on her bed watching a movie on her laptop. She looks in my direction before quickly looking back at the screen. "Hey" I say with a smile.
"Hi" she says without looking up.
"Well I figured you must be hungry by now so I brought some smoothies and muffins."
"Thanks" she mumbles with a small smile on her face that quickly disappears.
"So I didn't know what kind you wanted so I have a strawberry banana smoothie and a wild berry smoothie and then for muffins I have a banana chocolate chip one and a blueberry- hey what's wrong?"
She continues to look down. "It's nothing..." Christen says as a tear rolls down her cheek.
I stand up and sit down beside her. "Okay I get it, you don't want to tell me. I'm always here though if you need anything. What were your plans for today?" I ask, changing the subject due to her anxiousness.
"Um, sit here and watch Netflix?"
"Nope, not anymore. Eat, then I'm taking you somewhere."
She sadly nods and grabs a smoothie before shutting her laptop and turning to face me.
"I'm sorry, for being so mean to you."
"That's okay, I mean we're all pretty stressed, it's understandable."
She frowns. "No it's not okay. Can we just start fresh starting now?"
"Yeah sure thing."
She gives me a hopeful smile before taking another sip of her smoothie.
"So what are we going to do?"
"You'll see."

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